- """SCons.Tool.tex
- Tool-specific initialization for TeX.
- Generates .dvi files from .tex files
- There normally shouldn't be any need to import this module directly.
- It will usually be imported through the generic SCons.Tool.Tool()
- selection method.
- """
- #
- # Copyright (c) 2001 - 2017 The SCons Foundation
- #
- # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
- # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
- # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
- # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
- # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
- # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
- # the following conditions:
- #
- # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
- # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- #
- #
- from __future__ import print_function
- __revision__ = "src/engine/SCons/Tool/tex.py rel_3.0.0:4395:8972f6a2f699 2017/09/18 12:59:24 bdbaddog"
- import os.path
- import re
- import shutil
- import sys
- import platform
- import glob
- import SCons.Action
- import SCons.Node
- import SCons.Node.FS
- import SCons.Util
- import SCons.Scanner.LaTeX
- Verbose = False
- must_rerun_latex = True
- # these are files that just need to be checked for changes and then rerun latex
- check_suffixes = ['.toc', '.lof', '.lot', '.out', '.nav', '.snm']
- # these are files that require bibtex or makeindex to be run when they change
- all_suffixes = check_suffixes + ['.bbl', '.idx', '.nlo', '.glo', '.acn', '.bcf']
- #
- # regular expressions used to search for Latex features
- # or outputs that require rerunning latex
- #
- # search for all .aux files opened by latex (recorded in the .fls file)
- openout_aux_re = re.compile(r"OUTPUT *(.*\.aux)")
- # search for all .bcf files opened by latex (recorded in the .fls file)
- # for use by biber
- openout_bcf_re = re.compile(r"OUTPUT *(.*\.bcf)")
- #printindex_re = re.compile(r"^[^%]*\\printindex", re.MULTILINE)
- #printnomenclature_re = re.compile(r"^[^%]*\\printnomenclature", re.MULTILINE)
- #printglossary_re = re.compile(r"^[^%]*\\printglossary", re.MULTILINE)
- # search to find rerun warnings
- warning_rerun_str = '(^LaTeX Warning:.*Rerun)|(^Package \w+ Warning:.*Rerun)'
- warning_rerun_re = re.compile(warning_rerun_str, re.MULTILINE)
- # search to find citation rerun warnings
- rerun_citations_str = "^LaTeX Warning:.*\n.*Rerun to get citations correct"
- rerun_citations_re = re.compile(rerun_citations_str, re.MULTILINE)
- # search to find undefined references or citations warnings
- undefined_references_str = '(^LaTeX Warning:.*undefined references)|(^Package \w+ Warning:.*undefined citations)'
- undefined_references_re = re.compile(undefined_references_str, re.MULTILINE)
- # used by the emitter
- auxfile_re = re.compile(r".", re.MULTILINE)
- tableofcontents_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\tableofcontents", re.MULTILINE)
- makeindex_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\makeindex", re.MULTILINE)
- bibliography_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\bibliography", re.MULTILINE)
- bibunit_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\begin\{bibunit\}", re.MULTILINE)
- multibib_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\newcites\{([^\}]*)\}", re.MULTILINE)
- addbibresource_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\(addbibresource|addglobalbib|addsectionbib)", re.MULTILINE)
- listoffigures_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\listoffigures", re.MULTILINE)
- listoftables_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\listoftables", re.MULTILINE)
- hyperref_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\usepackage.*\{hyperref\}", re.MULTILINE)
- makenomenclature_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\makenomenclature", re.MULTILINE)
- makeglossary_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\makeglossary", re.MULTILINE)
- makeglossaries_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\makeglossaries", re.MULTILINE)
- makeacronyms_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\makeglossaries", re.MULTILINE)
- beamer_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\documentclass\{beamer\}", re.MULTILINE)
- regex = r'^[^%\n]*\\newglossary\s*\[([^\]]+)\]?\s*\{([^}]*)\}\s*\{([^}]*)\}\s*\{([^}]*)\}\s*\{([^}]*)\}'
- newglossary_re = re.compile(regex, re.MULTILINE)
- biblatex_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\usepackage.*\{biblatex\}", re.MULTILINE)
- newglossary_suffix = []
- # search to find all files included by Latex
- include_re = re.compile(r'^[^%\n]*\\(?:include|input){([^}]*)}', re.MULTILINE)
- includeOnly_re = re.compile(r'^[^%\n]*\\(?:include){([^}]*)}', re.MULTILINE)
- # search to find all graphics files included by Latex
- includegraphics_re = re.compile(r'^[^%\n]*\\(?:includegraphics(?:\[[^\]]+\])?){([^}]*)}', re.MULTILINE)
- # search to find all files opened by Latex (recorded in .log file)
- openout_re = re.compile(r"OUTPUT *(.*)")
- # list of graphics file extensions for TeX and LaTeX
- TexGraphics = SCons.Scanner.LaTeX.TexGraphics
- LatexGraphics = SCons.Scanner.LaTeX.LatexGraphics
- # An Action sufficient to build any generic tex file.
- TeXAction = None
- # An action to build a latex file. This action might be needed more
- # than once if we are dealing with labels and bibtex.
- LaTeXAction = None
- # An action to run BibTeX on a file.
- BibTeXAction = None
- # An action to run Biber on a file.
- BiberAction = None
- # An action to run MakeIndex on a file.
- MakeIndexAction = None
- # An action to run MakeIndex (for nomencl) on a file.
- MakeNclAction = None
- # An action to run MakeIndex (for glossary) on a file.
- MakeGlossaryAction = None
- # An action to run MakeIndex (for acronyms) on a file.
- MakeAcronymsAction = None
- # An action to run MakeIndex (for newglossary commands) on a file.
- MakeNewGlossaryAction = None
- # Used as a return value of modify_env_var if the variable is not set.
- _null = SCons.Scanner.LaTeX._null
- modify_env_var = SCons.Scanner.LaTeX.modify_env_var
- def check_file_error_message(utility, filename='log'):
- msg = '%s returned an error, check the %s file\n' % (utility, filename)
- sys.stdout.write(msg)
- def FindFile(name,suffixes,paths,env,requireExt=False):
- if requireExt:
- name,ext = SCons.Util.splitext(name)
- # if the user gave an extension use it.
- if ext:
- name = name + ext
- if Verbose:
- print(" searching for '%s' with extensions: " % name,suffixes)
- for path in paths:
- testName = os.path.join(path,name)
- if Verbose:
- print(" look for '%s'" % testName)
- if os.path.isfile(testName):
- if Verbose:
- print(" found '%s'" % testName)
- return env.fs.File(testName)
- else:
- name_ext = SCons.Util.splitext(testName)[1]
- if name_ext:
- continue
- # if no suffix try adding those passed in
- for suffix in suffixes:
- testNameExt = testName + suffix
- if Verbose:
- print(" look for '%s'" % testNameExt)
- if os.path.isfile(testNameExt):
- if Verbose:
- print(" found '%s'" % testNameExt)
- return env.fs.File(testNameExt)
- if Verbose:
- print(" did not find '%s'" % name)
- return None
- def InternalLaTeXAuxAction(XXXLaTeXAction, target = None, source= None, env=None):
- """A builder for LaTeX files that checks the output in the aux file
- and decides how many times to use LaTeXAction, and BibTeXAction."""
- global must_rerun_latex
- # This routine is called with two actions. In this file for DVI builds
- # with LaTeXAction and from the pdflatex.py with PDFLaTeXAction
- # set this up now for the case where the user requests a different extension
- # for the target filename
- if (XXXLaTeXAction == LaTeXAction):
- callerSuffix = ".dvi"
- else:
- callerSuffix = env['PDFSUFFIX']
- basename = SCons.Util.splitext(str(source[0]))[0]
- basedir = os.path.split(str(source[0]))[0]
- basefile = os.path.split(str(basename))[1]
- abspath = os.path.abspath(basedir)
- targetext = os.path.splitext(str(target[0]))[1]
- targetdir = os.path.split(str(target[0]))[0]
- saved_env = {}
- for var in SCons.Scanner.LaTeX.LaTeX.env_variables:
- saved_env[var] = modify_env_var(env, var, abspath)
- # Create base file names with the target directory since the auxiliary files
- # will be made there. That's because the *COM variables have the cd
- # command in the prolog. We check
- # for the existence of files before opening them--even ones like the
- # aux file that TeX always creates--to make it possible to write tests
- # with stubs that don't necessarily generate all of the same files.
- targetbase = os.path.join(targetdir, basefile)
- # if there is a \makeindex there will be a .idx and thus
- # we have to run makeindex at least once to keep the build
- # happy even if there is no index.
- # Same for glossaries, nomenclature, and acronyms
- src_content = source[0].get_text_contents()
- run_makeindex = makeindex_re.search(src_content) and not os.path.isfile(targetbase + '.idx')
- run_nomenclature = makenomenclature_re.search(src_content) and not os.path.isfile(targetbase + '.nlo')
- run_glossary = makeglossary_re.search(src_content) and not os.path.isfile(targetbase + '.glo')
- run_glossaries = makeglossaries_re.search(src_content) and not os.path.isfile(targetbase + '.glo')
- run_acronyms = makeacronyms_re.search(src_content) and not os.path.isfile(targetbase + '.acn')
- saved_hashes = {}
- suffix_nodes = {}
- for suffix in all_suffixes+sum(newglossary_suffix, []):
- theNode = env.fs.File(targetbase + suffix)
- suffix_nodes[suffix] = theNode
- saved_hashes[suffix] = theNode.get_csig()
- if Verbose:
- print("hashes: ",saved_hashes)
- must_rerun_latex = True
- # .aux files already processed by BibTex
- already_bibtexed = []
- #
- # routine to update MD5 hash and compare
- #
- def check_MD5(filenode, suffix):
- global must_rerun_latex
- # two calls to clear old csig
- filenode.clear_memoized_values()
- filenode.ninfo = filenode.new_ninfo()
- new_md5 = filenode.get_csig()
- if saved_hashes[suffix] == new_md5:
- if Verbose:
- print("file %s not changed" % (targetbase+suffix))
- return False # unchanged
- saved_hashes[suffix] = new_md5
- must_rerun_latex = True
- if Verbose:
- print("file %s changed, rerunning Latex, new hash = " % (targetbase+suffix), new_md5)
- return True # changed
- # generate the file name that latex will generate
- resultfilename = targetbase + callerSuffix
- count = 0
- while (must_rerun_latex and count < int(env.subst('$LATEXRETRIES'))) :
- result = XXXLaTeXAction(target, source, env)
- if result != 0:
- return result
- count = count + 1
- must_rerun_latex = False
- # Decide if various things need to be run, or run again.
- # Read the log file to find warnings/errors
- logfilename = targetbase + '.log'
- logContent = ''
- if os.path.isfile(logfilename):
- logContent = open(logfilename, "r").read()
- # Read the fls file to find all .aux files
- flsfilename = targetbase + '.fls'
- flsContent = ''
- auxfiles = []
- if os.path.isfile(flsfilename):
- flsContent = open(flsfilename, "r").read()
- auxfiles = openout_aux_re.findall(flsContent)
- # remove duplicates
- dups = {}
- for x in auxfiles:
- dups[x] = 1
- auxfiles = list(dups.keys())
- bcffiles = []
- if os.path.isfile(flsfilename):
- flsContent = open(flsfilename, "r").read()
- bcffiles = openout_bcf_re.findall(flsContent)
- # remove duplicates
- dups = {}
- for x in bcffiles:
- dups[x] = 1
- bcffiles = list(dups.keys())
- if Verbose:
- print("auxfiles ",auxfiles)
- print("bcffiles ",bcffiles)
- # Now decide if bibtex will need to be run.
- # The information that bibtex reads from the .aux file is
- # pass-independent. If we find (below) that the .bbl file is unchanged,
- # then the last latex saw a correct bibliography.
- # Therefore only do this once
- # Go through all .aux files and remember the files already done.
- for auxfilename in auxfiles:
- if auxfilename not in already_bibtexed:
- already_bibtexed.append(auxfilename)
- target_aux = os.path.join(targetdir, auxfilename)
- if os.path.isfile(target_aux):
- content = open(target_aux, "r").read()
- if content.find("bibdata") != -1:
- if Verbose:
- print("Need to run bibtex on ",auxfilename)
- bibfile = env.fs.File(SCons.Util.splitext(target_aux)[0])
- result = BibTeXAction(bibfile, bibfile, env)
- if result != 0:
- check_file_error_message(env['BIBTEX'], 'blg')
- must_rerun_latex = True
- # Now decide if biber will need to be run.
- # When the backend for biblatex is biber (by choice or default) the
- # citation information is put in the .bcf file.
- # The information that biber reads from the .bcf file is
- # pass-independent. If we find (below) that the .bbl file is unchanged,
- # then the last latex saw a correct bibliography.
- # Therefore only do this once
- # Go through all .bcf files and remember the files already done.
- for bcffilename in bcffiles:
- if bcffilename not in already_bibtexed:
- already_bibtexed.append(bcffilename)
- target_bcf = os.path.join(targetdir, bcffilename)
- if os.path.isfile(target_bcf):
- content = open(target_bcf, "r").read()
- if content.find("bibdata") != -1:
- if Verbose:
- print("Need to run biber on ",bcffilename)
- bibfile = env.fs.File(SCons.Util.splitext(target_bcf)[0])
- result = BiberAction(bibfile, bibfile, env)
- if result != 0:
- check_file_error_message(env['BIBER'], 'blg')
- must_rerun_latex = True
- # Now decide if latex will need to be run again due to index.
- if check_MD5(suffix_nodes['.idx'],'.idx') or (count == 1 and run_makeindex):
- # We must run makeindex
- if Verbose:
- print("Need to run makeindex")
- idxfile = suffix_nodes['.idx']
- result = MakeIndexAction(idxfile, idxfile, env)
- if result != 0:
- check_file_error_message(env['MAKEINDEX'], 'ilg')
- return result
- # TO-DO: need to add a way for the user to extend this list for whatever
- # auxiliary files they create in other (or their own) packages
- # Harder is case is where an action needs to be called -- that should be rare (I hope?)
- for index in check_suffixes:
- check_MD5(suffix_nodes[index],index)
- # Now decide if latex will need to be run again due to nomenclature.
- if check_MD5(suffix_nodes['.nlo'],'.nlo') or (count == 1 and run_nomenclature):
- # We must run makeindex
- if Verbose:
- print("Need to run makeindex for nomenclature")
- nclfile = suffix_nodes['.nlo']
- result = MakeNclAction(nclfile, nclfile, env)
- if result != 0:
- check_file_error_message('%s (nomenclature)' % env['MAKENCL'],
- 'nlg')
- #return result
- # Now decide if latex will need to be run again due to glossary.
- if check_MD5(suffix_nodes['.glo'],'.glo') or (count == 1 and run_glossaries) or (count == 1 and run_glossary):
- # We must run makeindex
- if Verbose:
- print("Need to run makeindex for glossary")
- glofile = suffix_nodes['.glo']
- result = MakeGlossaryAction(glofile, glofile, env)
- if result != 0:
- check_file_error_message('%s (glossary)' % env['MAKEGLOSSARY'],
- 'glg')
- #return result
- # Now decide if latex will need to be run again due to acronyms.
- if check_MD5(suffix_nodes['.acn'],'.acn') or (count == 1 and run_acronyms):
- # We must run makeindex
- if Verbose:
- print("Need to run makeindex for acronyms")
- acrfile = suffix_nodes['.acn']
- result = MakeAcronymsAction(acrfile, acrfile, env)
- if result != 0:
- check_file_error_message('%s (acronyms)' % env['MAKEACRONYMS'],
- 'alg')
- return result
- # Now decide if latex will need to be run again due to newglossary command.
- for ig in range(len(newglossary_suffix)):
- if check_MD5(suffix_nodes[newglossary_suffix[ig][2]],newglossary_suffix[ig][2]) or (count == 1):
- # We must run makeindex
- if Verbose:
- print("Need to run makeindex for newglossary")
- newglfile = suffix_nodes[newglossary_suffix[ig][2]]
- MakeNewGlossaryAction = SCons.Action.Action("$MAKENEWGLOSSARYCOM ${SOURCE.filebase}%s -s ${SOURCE.filebase}.ist -t ${SOURCE.filebase}%s -o ${SOURCE.filebase}%s" % (newglossary_suffix[ig][2],newglossary_suffix[ig][0],newglossary_suffix[ig][1]), "$MAKENEWGLOSSARYCOMSTR")
- result = MakeNewGlossaryAction(newglfile, newglfile, env)
- if result != 0:
- check_file_error_message('%s (newglossary)' % env['MAKENEWGLOSSARY'],
- newglossary_suffix[ig][0])
- return result
- # Now decide if latex needs to be run yet again to resolve warnings.
- if warning_rerun_re.search(logContent):
- must_rerun_latex = True
- if Verbose:
- print("rerun Latex due to latex or package rerun warning")
- if rerun_citations_re.search(logContent):
- must_rerun_latex = True
- if Verbose:
- print("rerun Latex due to 'Rerun to get citations correct' warning")
- if undefined_references_re.search(logContent):
- must_rerun_latex = True
- if Verbose:
- print("rerun Latex due to undefined references or citations")
- if (count >= int(env.subst('$LATEXRETRIES')) and must_rerun_latex):
- print("reached max number of retries on Latex ,",int(env.subst('$LATEXRETRIES')))
- # end of while loop
- # rename Latex's output to what the target name is
- if not (str(target[0]) == resultfilename and os.path.isfile(resultfilename)):
- if os.path.isfile(resultfilename):
- print("move %s to %s" % (resultfilename, str(target[0]), ))
- shutil.move(resultfilename,str(target[0]))
- # Original comment (when TEXPICTS was not restored):
- # The TEXPICTS enviroment variable is needed by a dvi -> pdf step
- # later on Mac OSX so leave it
- #
- # It is also used when searching for pictures (implicit dependencies).
- # Why not set the variable again in the respective builder instead
- # of leaving local modifications in the environment? What if multiple
- # latex builds in different directories need different TEXPICTS?
- for var in SCons.Scanner.LaTeX.LaTeX.env_variables:
- if var == 'TEXPICTS':
- continue
- if saved_env[var] is _null:
- try:
- del env['ENV'][var]
- except KeyError:
- pass # was never set
- else:
- env['ENV'][var] = saved_env[var]
- return result
- def LaTeXAuxAction(target = None, source= None, env=None):
- result = InternalLaTeXAuxAction( LaTeXAction, target, source, env )
- return result
- LaTeX_re = re.compile("\\\\document(style|class)")
- def is_LaTeX(flist,env,abspath):
- """Scan a file list to decide if it's TeX- or LaTeX-flavored."""
- # We need to scan files that are included in case the
- # \documentclass command is in them.
- # get path list from both env['TEXINPUTS'] and env['ENV']['TEXINPUTS']
- savedpath = modify_env_var(env, 'TEXINPUTS', abspath)
- paths = env['ENV']['TEXINPUTS']
- if SCons.Util.is_List(paths):
- pass
- else:
- # Split at os.pathsep to convert into absolute path
- paths = paths.split(os.pathsep)
- # now that we have the path list restore the env
- if savedpath is _null:
- try:
- del env['ENV']['TEXINPUTS']
- except KeyError:
- pass # was never set
- else:
- env['ENV']['TEXINPUTS'] = savedpath
- if Verbose:
- print("is_LaTeX search path ",paths)
- print("files to search :",flist)
- # Now that we have the search path and file list, check each one
- for f in flist:
- if Verbose:
- print(" checking for Latex source ",str(f))
- content = f.get_text_contents()
- if LaTeX_re.search(content):
- if Verbose:
- print("file %s is a LaTeX file" % str(f))
- return 1
- if Verbose:
- print("file %s is not a LaTeX file" % str(f))
- # now find included files
- inc_files = [ ]
- inc_files.extend( include_re.findall(content) )
- if Verbose:
- print("files included by '%s': "%str(f),inc_files)
- # inc_files is list of file names as given. need to find them
- # using TEXINPUTS paths.
- # search the included files
- for src in inc_files:
- srcNode = FindFile(src,['.tex','.ltx','.latex'],paths,env,requireExt=False)
- # make this a list since is_LaTeX takes a list.
- fileList = [srcNode,]
- if Verbose:
- print("FindFile found ",srcNode)
- if srcNode is not None:
- file_test = is_LaTeX(fileList, env, abspath)
- # return on first file that finds latex is needed.
- if file_test:
- return file_test
- if Verbose:
- print(" done scanning ",str(f))
- return 0
- def TeXLaTeXFunction(target = None, source= None, env=None):
- """A builder for TeX and LaTeX that scans the source file to
- decide the "flavor" of the source and then executes the appropriate
- program."""
- # find these paths for use in is_LaTeX to search for included files
- basedir = os.path.split(str(source[0]))[0]
- abspath = os.path.abspath(basedir)
- if is_LaTeX(source,env,abspath):
- result = LaTeXAuxAction(target,source,env)
- if result != 0:
- check_file_error_message(env['LATEX'])
- else:
- result = TeXAction(target,source,env)
- if result != 0:
- check_file_error_message(env['TEX'])
- return result
- def TeXLaTeXStrFunction(target = None, source= None, env=None):
- """A strfunction for TeX and LaTeX that scans the source file to
- decide the "flavor" of the source and then returns the appropriate
- command string."""
- if env.GetOption("no_exec"):
- # find these paths for use in is_LaTeX to search for included files
- basedir = os.path.split(str(source[0]))[0]
- abspath = os.path.abspath(basedir)
- if is_LaTeX(source,env,abspath):
- result = env.subst('$LATEXCOM',0,target,source)+" ..."
- else:
- result = env.subst("$TEXCOM",0,target,source)+" ..."
- else:
- result = ''
- return result
- def tex_eps_emitter(target, source, env):
- """An emitter for TeX and LaTeX sources when
- executing tex or latex. It will accept .ps and .eps
- graphics files
- """
- (target, source) = tex_emitter_core(target, source, env, TexGraphics)
- return (target, source)
- def tex_pdf_emitter(target, source, env):
- """An emitter for TeX and LaTeX sources when
- executing pdftex or pdflatex. It will accept graphics
- files of types .pdf, .jpg, .png, .gif, and .tif
- """
- (target, source) = tex_emitter_core(target, source, env, LatexGraphics)
- return (target, source)
- def ScanFiles(theFile, target, paths, file_tests, file_tests_search, env, graphics_extensions, targetdir, aux_files):
- """ For theFile (a Node) update any file_tests and search for graphics files
- then find all included files and call ScanFiles recursively for each of them"""
- content = theFile.get_text_contents()
- if Verbose:
- print(" scanning ",str(theFile))
- for i in range(len(file_tests_search)):
- if file_tests[i][0] is None:
- if Verbose:
- print("scan i ",i," files_tests[i] ",file_tests[i], file_tests[i][1])
- file_tests[i][0] = file_tests_search[i].search(content)
- if Verbose and file_tests[i][0]:
- print(" found match for ",file_tests[i][1][-1])
- # for newglossary insert the suffixes in file_tests[i]
- if file_tests[i][0] and file_tests[i][1][-1] == 'newglossary':
- findresult = file_tests_search[i].findall(content)
- for l in range(len(findresult)) :
- (file_tests[i][1]).insert(0,'.'+findresult[l][3])
- (file_tests[i][1]).insert(0,'.'+findresult[l][2])
- (file_tests[i][1]).insert(0,'.'+findresult[l][0])
- suffix_list = ['.'+findresult[l][0],'.'+findresult[l][2],'.'+findresult[l][3] ]
- newglossary_suffix.append(suffix_list)
- if Verbose:
- print(" new suffixes for newglossary ",newglossary_suffix)
- incResult = includeOnly_re.search(content)
- if incResult:
- aux_files.append(os.path.join(targetdir, incResult.group(1)))
- if Verbose:
- print("\include file names : ", aux_files)
- # recursively call this on each of the included files
- inc_files = [ ]
- inc_files.extend( include_re.findall(content) )
- if Verbose:
- print("files included by '%s': "%str(theFile),inc_files)
- # inc_files is list of file names as given. need to find them
- # using TEXINPUTS paths.
- for src in inc_files:
- srcNode = FindFile(src,['.tex','.ltx','.latex'],paths,env,requireExt=False)
- if srcNode is not None:
- file_tests = ScanFiles(srcNode, target, paths, file_tests, file_tests_search, env, graphics_extensions, targetdir, aux_files)
- if Verbose:
- print(" done scanning ",str(theFile))
- return file_tests
- def tex_emitter_core(target, source, env, graphics_extensions):
- """An emitter for TeX and LaTeX sources.
- For LaTeX sources we try and find the common created files that
- are needed on subsequent runs of latex to finish tables of contents,
- bibliographies, indices, lists of figures, and hyperlink references.
- """
- basename = SCons.Util.splitext(str(source[0]))[0]
- basefile = os.path.split(str(basename))[1]
- targetdir = os.path.split(str(target[0]))[0]
- targetbase = os.path.join(targetdir, basefile)
- basedir = os.path.split(str(source[0]))[0]
- abspath = os.path.abspath(basedir)
- target[0].attributes.path = abspath
- #
- # file names we will make use of in searching the sources and log file
- #
- emit_suffixes = ['.aux', '.log', '.ilg', '.blg', '.nls', '.nlg', '.gls', '.glg', '.alg'] + all_suffixes
- auxfilename = targetbase + '.aux'
- logfilename = targetbase + '.log'
- flsfilename = targetbase + '.fls'
- syncfilename = targetbase + '.synctex.gz'
- env.SideEffect(auxfilename,target[0])
- env.SideEffect(logfilename,target[0])
- env.SideEffect(flsfilename,target[0])
- env.SideEffect(syncfilename,target[0])
- if Verbose:
- print("side effect :",auxfilename,logfilename,flsfilename,syncfilename)
- env.Clean(target[0],auxfilename)
- env.Clean(target[0],logfilename)
- env.Clean(target[0],flsfilename)
- env.Clean(target[0],syncfilename)
- content = source[0].get_text_contents()
- # set up list with the regular expressions
- # we use to find features used
- file_tests_search = [auxfile_re,
- makeindex_re,
- bibliography_re,
- bibunit_re,
- multibib_re,
- addbibresource_re,
- tableofcontents_re,
- listoffigures_re,
- listoftables_re,
- hyperref_re,
- makenomenclature_re,
- makeglossary_re,
- makeglossaries_re,
- makeacronyms_re,
- beamer_re,
- newglossary_re,
- biblatex_re ]
- # set up list with the file suffixes that need emitting
- # when a feature is found
- file_tests_suff = [['.aux','aux_file'],
- ['.idx', '.ind', '.ilg','makeindex'],
- ['.bbl', '.blg','bibliography'],
- ['.bbl', '.blg','bibunit'],
- ['.bbl', '.blg','multibib'],
- ['.bbl', '.blg','.bcf','addbibresource'],
- ['.toc','contents'],
- ['.lof','figures'],
- ['.lot','tables'],
- ['.out','hyperref'],
- ['.nlo', '.nls', '.nlg','nomenclature'],
- ['.glo', '.gls', '.glg','glossary'],
- ['.glo', '.gls', '.glg','glossaries'],
- ['.acn', '.acr', '.alg','acronyms'],
- ['.nav', '.snm', '.out', '.toc','beamer'],
- ['newglossary',],
- ['.bcf', '.blg','biblatex'] ]
- # for newglossary the suffixes are added as we find the command
- # build the list of lists
- file_tests = []
- for i in range(len(file_tests_search)):
- file_tests.append( [None, file_tests_suff[i]] )
- # TO-DO: need to add a way for the user to extend this list for whatever
- # auxiliary files they create in other (or their own) packages
- # get path list from both env['TEXINPUTS'] and env['ENV']['TEXINPUTS']
- savedpath = modify_env_var(env, 'TEXINPUTS', abspath)
- paths = env['ENV']['TEXINPUTS']
- if SCons.Util.is_List(paths):
- pass
- else:
- # Split at os.pathsep to convert into absolute path
- paths = paths.split(os.pathsep)
- # now that we have the path list restore the env
- if savedpath is _null:
- try:
- del env['ENV']['TEXINPUTS']
- except KeyError:
- pass # was never set
- else:
- env['ENV']['TEXINPUTS'] = savedpath
- if Verbose:
- print("search path ",paths)
- # scan all sources for side effect files
- aux_files = []
- file_tests = ScanFiles(source[0], target, paths, file_tests, file_tests_search, env, graphics_extensions, targetdir, aux_files)
- for (theSearch,suffix_list) in file_tests:
- # add side effects if feature is present.If file is to be generated,add all side effects
- if Verbose and theSearch:
- print("check side effects for ",suffix_list[-1])
- if (theSearch != None) or (not source[0].exists() ):
- file_list = [targetbase,]
- # for bibunit we need a list of files
- if suffix_list[-1] == 'bibunit':
- file_basename = os.path.join(targetdir, 'bu*.aux')
- file_list = glob.glob(file_basename)
- # remove the suffix '.aux'
- for i in range(len(file_list)):
- file_list.append(SCons.Util.splitext(file_list[i])[0])
- # for multibib we need a list of files
- if suffix_list[-1] == 'multibib':
- for multibibmatch in multibib_re.finditer(content):
- if Verbose:
- print("multibib match ",multibibmatch.group(1))
- if multibibmatch != None:
- baselist = multibibmatch.group(1).split(',')
- if Verbose:
- print("multibib list ", baselist)
- for i in range(len(baselist)):
- file_list.append(os.path.join(targetdir, baselist[i]))
- # now define the side effects
- for file_name in file_list:
- for suffix in suffix_list[:-1]:
- env.SideEffect(file_name + suffix,target[0])
- if Verbose:
- print("side effect tst :",file_name + suffix, " target is ",str(target[0]))
- env.Clean(target[0],file_name + suffix)
- for aFile in aux_files:
- aFile_base = SCons.Util.splitext(aFile)[0]
- env.SideEffect(aFile_base + '.aux',target[0])
- if Verbose:
- print("side effect aux :",aFile_base + '.aux')
- env.Clean(target[0],aFile_base + '.aux')
- # read fls file to get all other files that latex creates and will read on the next pass
- # remove files from list that we explicitly dealt with above
- if os.path.isfile(flsfilename):
- content = open(flsfilename, "r").read()
- out_files = openout_re.findall(content)
- myfiles = [auxfilename, logfilename, flsfilename, targetbase+'.dvi',targetbase+'.pdf']
- for filename in out_files[:]:
- if filename in myfiles:
- out_files.remove(filename)
- env.SideEffect(out_files,target[0])
- if Verbose:
- print("side effect fls :",out_files)
- env.Clean(target[0],out_files)
- return (target, source)
- TeXLaTeXAction = None
- def generate(env):
- """Add Builders and construction variables for TeX to an Environment."""
- global TeXLaTeXAction
- if TeXLaTeXAction is None:
- TeXLaTeXAction = SCons.Action.Action(TeXLaTeXFunction,
- strfunction=TeXLaTeXStrFunction)
- env.AppendUnique(LATEXSUFFIXES=SCons.Tool.LaTeXSuffixes)
- generate_common(env)
- from . import dvi
- dvi.generate(env)
- bld = env['BUILDERS']['DVI']
- bld.add_action('.tex', TeXLaTeXAction)
- bld.add_emitter('.tex', tex_eps_emitter)
- def generate_darwin(env):
- try:
- environ = env['ENV']
- except KeyError:
- environ = {}
- env['ENV'] = environ
- if (platform.system() == 'Darwin'):
- try:
- ospath = env['ENV']['PATHOSX']
- except:
- ospath = None
- if ospath:
- env.AppendENVPath('PATH', ospath)
- def generate_common(env):
- """Add internal Builders and construction variables for LaTeX to an Environment."""
- # Add OSX system paths so TeX tools can be found
- # when a list of tools is given the exists() method is not called
- generate_darwin(env)
- # A generic tex file Action, sufficient for all tex files.
- global TeXAction
- if TeXAction is None:
- TeXAction = SCons.Action.Action("$TEXCOM", "$TEXCOMSTR")
- # An Action to build a latex file. This might be needed more
- # than once if we are dealing with labels and bibtex.
- global LaTeXAction
- if LaTeXAction is None:
- LaTeXAction = SCons.Action.Action("$LATEXCOM", "$LATEXCOMSTR")
- # Define an action to run BibTeX on a file.
- global BibTeXAction
- if BibTeXAction is None:
- BibTeXAction = SCons.Action.Action("$BIBTEXCOM", "$BIBTEXCOMSTR")
- # Define an action to run Biber on a file.
- global BiberAction
- if BiberAction is None:
- BiberAction = SCons.Action.Action("$BIBERCOM", "$BIBERCOMSTR")
- # Define an action to run MakeIndex on a file.
- global MakeIndexAction
- if MakeIndexAction is None:
- MakeIndexAction = SCons.Action.Action("$MAKEINDEXCOM", "$MAKEINDEXCOMSTR")
- # Define an action to run MakeIndex on a file for nomenclatures.
- global MakeNclAction
- if MakeNclAction is None:
- MakeNclAction = SCons.Action.Action("$MAKENCLCOM", "$MAKENCLCOMSTR")
- # Define an action to run MakeIndex on a file for glossaries.
- global MakeGlossaryAction
- if MakeGlossaryAction is None:
- MakeGlossaryAction = SCons.Action.Action("$MAKEGLOSSARYCOM", "$MAKEGLOSSARYCOMSTR")
- # Define an action to run MakeIndex on a file for acronyms.
- global MakeAcronymsAction
- if MakeAcronymsAction is None:
- MakeAcronymsAction = SCons.Action.Action("$MAKEACRONYMSCOM", "$MAKEACRONYMSCOMSTR")
- try:
- environ = env['ENV']
- except KeyError:
- environ = {}
- env['ENV'] = environ
- # Some Linux platforms have pdflatex set up in a way
- # that requires that the HOME environment variable be set.
- # Add it here if defined.
- v = os.environ.get('HOME')
- if v:
- environ['HOME'] = v
- CDCOM = 'cd '
- if platform.system() == 'Windows':
- # allow cd command to change drives on Windows
- CDCOM = 'cd /D '
- env['TEX'] = 'tex'
- env['TEXFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('-interaction=nonstopmode -recorder')
- env['TEXCOM'] = CDCOM + '${TARGET.dir} && $TEX $TEXFLAGS ${SOURCE.file}'
- env['PDFTEX'] = 'pdftex'
- env['PDFTEXFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('-interaction=nonstopmode -recorder')
- env['LATEX'] = 'latex'
- env['LATEXFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('-interaction=nonstopmode -recorder')
- env['LATEXCOM'] = CDCOM + '${TARGET.dir} && $LATEX $LATEXFLAGS ${SOURCE.file}'
- env['LATEXRETRIES'] = 4
- env['PDFLATEX'] = 'pdflatex'
- env['PDFLATEXFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('-interaction=nonstopmode -recorder')
- env['BIBTEX'] = 'bibtex'
- env['BIBTEXFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('')
- env['BIBTEXCOM'] = CDCOM + '${TARGET.dir} && $BIBTEX $BIBTEXFLAGS ${SOURCE.filebase}'
- env['BIBER'] = 'biber'
- env['BIBERFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('')
- env['BIBERCOM'] = CDCOM + '${TARGET.dir} && $BIBER $BIBERFLAGS ${SOURCE.filebase}'
- env['MAKEINDEX'] = 'makeindex'
- env['MAKEINDEXFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('')
- env['MAKEGLOSSARY'] = 'makeindex'
- env['MAKEGLOSSARYSTYLE'] = '${SOURCE.filebase}.ist'
- env['MAKEGLOSSARYFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('-s ${MAKEGLOSSARYSTYLE} -t ${SOURCE.filebase}.glg')
- env['MAKEGLOSSARYCOM'] = CDCOM + '${TARGET.dir} && $MAKEGLOSSARY ${SOURCE.filebase}.glo $MAKEGLOSSARYFLAGS -o ${SOURCE.filebase}.gls'
- env['MAKEACRONYMS'] = 'makeindex'
- env['MAKEACRONYMSSTYLE'] = '${SOURCE.filebase}.ist'
- env['MAKEACRONYMSFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('-s ${MAKEACRONYMSSTYLE} -t ${SOURCE.filebase}.alg')
- env['MAKEACRONYMSCOM'] = CDCOM + '${TARGET.dir} && $MAKEACRONYMS ${SOURCE.filebase}.acn $MAKEACRONYMSFLAGS -o ${SOURCE.filebase}.acr'
- env['MAKENCL'] = 'makeindex'
- env['MAKENCLSTYLE'] = 'nomencl.ist'
- env['MAKENCLFLAGS'] = '-s ${MAKENCLSTYLE} -t ${SOURCE.filebase}.nlg'
- env['MAKENCLCOM'] = CDCOM + '${TARGET.dir} && $MAKENCL ${SOURCE.filebase}.nlo $MAKENCLFLAGS -o ${SOURCE.filebase}.nls'
- env['MAKENEWGLOSSARY'] = 'makeindex'
- def exists(env):
- generate_darwin(env)
- return env.Detect('tex')
- # Local Variables:
- # tab-width:4
- # indent-tabs-mode:nil
- # End:
- # vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: