- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- import argparse
- import os
- import glob
- import json
- import numpy as np
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import configparser
- from util import script as scriptUtils
- def main():
- args = __parseArguments()
- __stats(args["comparisonDir"], args["outputDir"])
- def __parseArguments():
- parser = scriptUtils.ArgParser()
- parser.addInstanceDirArg()
- parser.addArg(alias="comparisonDir", shortFlag="c", longFlag="comparison_dir",
- help="the direcotry with all comparison files", type=str)
- parser.addArg(alias="outputDir", shortFlag="s", longFlag="comparison_stats_dir",
- help="Directory to store the stats", type=str)
- arguments = parser.parse()
- arguments["datasetDir"] = os.path.abspath(arguments["datasetDir"])
- arguments["comparisonDir"] = os.path.join(arguments["datasetDir"],
- arguments["comparisonDir"])
- arguments["outputDir"] = os.path.join(arguments["datasetDir"],
- arguments["outputDir"])
- return arguments
- def __stats(comparisonDir, outputDir):
- runs = glob.glob(os.path.join(comparisonDir, "run*"))
- for run in runs:
- stats = __collectStats(run)
- runOutputDir = os.path.join(outputDir, os.path.basename(run))
- __writeStats(stats, runOutputDir)
- def __collectStats(comparisonDir):
- files = glob.glob(os.path.join(comparisonDir, "*.cmp"))
- stats = {}
- stats["match"] = 0
- stats["false_positive"] = 0
- stats["false_negative"] = 0
- stats["unsat"] = 0
- for path in files:
- comparison = __readComparison(path)
- minisat_satisfiable = comparison["minisat_satisfiable"]
- qubo_satisfiable = comparison["qubo_satisfiable"]
- if minisat_satisfiable == qubo_satisfiable:
- stats["match"] += 1
- elif minisat_satisfiable == False and qubo_satisfiable == True:
- stats["false_positive"] += 1
- elif minisat_satisfiable == True and qubo_satisfiable == False:
- stats["false_negative"] += 1
- if not minisat_satisfiable:
- stats["unsat"] += 1
- return stats
- def __readComparison(path):
- cmpFile = open(path, "r")
- comparison = json.load(cmpFile)
- cmpFile.close()
- return comparison
- def __writeStats(stats, outputDir):
- if not os.path.exists(outputDir):
- os.makedirs(outputDir)
- fig = plt.figure()
- ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
- numInstances = stats["match"] + stats["false_negative"] + stats["false_positive"]
- matchBar = ax.bar(x=0, height=stats["match"])
- falsePositiveBar = ax.bar(x=1, height=stats["false_positive"])
- falseNegativeBar = ax.bar(x=1,
- height=stats["false_negative"],
- bottom=stats["false_positive"])
- ax.axhline(y=stats["match"], linestyle="--", color="gray")
- ax.axhline(y=stats["false_negative"], linestyle="--", color="gray")
- plt.ylabel("SAT Instanzen")
- plt.title("Verlgeich Minisat / WMIS qubo mit qbsolv")
- plt.xticks([0, 1], ("Gleiches Ergebnis", "Unterschiedliches Ergebnis"))
- plt.yticks([0, stats["match"], stats["false_negative"], numInstances])
- plt.legend((matchBar, falsePositiveBar, falseNegativeBar),
- ("Gleiches Ergebnis",
- "False Positive",
- "False Negative"))
- plt.savefig(os.path.join(outputDir, "stats.png"))
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()