- <?php
- // Project: Web Reference Database (refbase) <http://www.refbase.net>
- // Copyright: Matthias Steffens <mailto:refbase@extracts.de> and the file's
- // original author(s).
- //
- // This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Please see the GNU General Public
- // License for more details.
- //
- // File: ./cite/styles/cite_TextCitation.php
- // Repository: $HeadURL: file:///svn/p/refbase/code/branches/bleeding-edge/cite/styles/cite_TextCitation.php $
- // Author(s): Matthias Steffens <mailto:refbase@extracts.de>
- //
- // Created: 28-Sep-04, 23:46
- // Modified: $Date: 2012-02-27 20:25:30 +0000 (Mon, 27 Feb 2012) $
- // $Author: msteffens $
- // $Revision: 1337 $
- // This is a citation style file (which must reside within the 'cite/styles/' sub-directory of your refbase root directory). It contains a
- // version of the 'citeRecord()' function that outputs a reference list from selected records according to the citation style defined
- // by a user's custom text citation format (or by the default format given in '$defaultTextCitationFormat' in 'ini.inc.php').
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- function citeRecord($row, $citeStyle, $citeType, $markupPatternsArray, $encodeHTML)
- {
- global $defaultTextCitationFormat; // defined in 'ini.inc.php'
- global $userOptionsArray; // '$userOptionsArray' is made globally available by function 'generateCitations()' in 'search.php'
- // output records suitable for citation within a text, e.g., like: "Ambrose 1991 {3735}", "Ambrose & Renaud 1995 {3243}" or "Ambrose et al. 2001 {4774}"
- if (!empty($userOptionsArray) AND ($userOptionsArray['use_custom_text_citation_format'] == "yes")) // if the user wants to use a custom text citation format
- $textCitationFormat = $userOptionsArray['text_citation_format'];
- else // use the default text citation format that was specified by the admin in 'ini.inc.php'
- $textCitationFormat = $defaultTextCitationFormat;
- // this is a stupid hack that maps the names of the '$row' array keys to those used
- // by the '$formVars' array (which is required by function 'parsePlaceholderString()')
- // (eventually, the '$formVars' array should use the MySQL field names as names for its array keys)
- $formVars = buildFormVarsArray($row); // function 'buildFormVarsArray()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
- if (preg_match("/RTF|LaTeX/i", $citeType))
- {
- $textCitationFormat = preg_replace("/([{}])/i", "\\\\1", $textCitationFormat); // in case of RTF or LaTeX output we need to escape braces in placeholder strings
- $fallbackPlaceholderString = "<:authors[2| & | et al.]:>< :year:>< \{:recordIdentifier:\}>";
- }
- else
- $fallbackPlaceholderString = "<:authors[2| & | et al.]:>< :year:>< {:recordIdentifier:}>";
- // generate a text citation according to the given naming scheme:
- $record = parsePlaceholderString($formVars, $textCitationFormat, $fallbackPlaceholderString); // function 'parsePlaceholderString()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
- // Perform search & replace actions on the text:
- $searchReplaceActionsArray["(et +al\.)"] = $markupPatternsArray["italic-prefix"] . "\\1" . $markupPatternsArray["italic-suffix"]; // print 'et al.' in italic
- $record = searchReplaceText($searchReplaceActionsArray, $record, false); // function 'searchReplaceText()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
- return $record;
- }
- ?>