- "abstract"=>"abstract",
- "Abstract"=>"Abstract",
- "Abstracts"=>"Abstracts",
- "about"=>"About",
- "add"=>"add",
- "added"=>"added",
- "AddRecord"=>"Add Record",
- "AddRecordHeaderText"=>"Add a record to the database",
- "Address"=>"Address",
- "Admin"=>"Admin",
- "Advanced"=>"Advanced",
- "AdvancedSearch"=>"Advanced Search",
- "All"=>"All",
- "alternatively"=>"alternatively",
- "and"=>"and",
- "Approved"=>"Approved",
- "area"=>"area",
- "Area"=>"Area",
- "ascending"=>"ascending",
- "ascendingOrder"=>"ascending order",
- "author"=>"author",
- "Author"=>"Author",
- "AuthorCount"=>"Author Count",
- "AuthorFirst"=>"First Author",
- "Bachelor's thesis"=>"Bachelor's thesis",
- "BookContributions"=>"Book Contributions",
- "ButtonTitle_Add"=>"Add",
- "ButtonTitle_Allow"=>"Allow",
- "ButtonTitle_AddRecord"=>"Save Record",
- "ButtonTitle_AddUser"=>"Add User",
- "ButtonTitle_Browse"=>"Browse",
- "ButtonTitle_Cite"=>"Cite",
- "ButtonTitle_DeleteRecord"=>"Delete Record",
- "ButtonTitle_Disallow"=>"Disallow",
- "ButtonTitle_Display"=>"Display",
- "ButtonTitle_Edit"=>"Edit",
- "ButtonTitle_Export"=>"Export",
- "ButtonTitle_EditDetails"=>"Edit Details",
- "ButtonTitle_EditOptions"=>"Edit Options",
- "ButtonTitle_EditRecord"=>"Save Changes",
- "ButtonTitle_Go"=>"Go",
- "ButtonTitle_Hide"=>"Hide",
- "ButtonTitle_Import"=>"Import",
- "ButtonTitle_Login"=>"Login",
- "ButtonTitle_Remove"=>"Remove",
- "ButtonTitle_Search"=>"Search",
- "ButtonTitle_Show"=>"Show",
- "ButtonTitle_ShowRecord"=>"Show Record",
- "ButtonTitle_Submit"=>"Submit",
- "CallNumber"=>"Call Number",
- "caused an error"=>"caused an error",
- "Citations"=>"Citations",
- "CiteKey"=>"Cite Key",
- "City"=>"City",
- "Conference"=>"Conference",
- "ConferenceArticles"=>"Conference Proceedings",
- "ConferenceVolumes"=>"Conference Proceedings",
- "contains"=>"contains",
- "contains not"=>"does not contain",
- "copy"=>"copy",
- "Copy"=>"Copy",
- "CorporateAuthor"=>"Corporate Author",
- "CorporateInstitution"=>"Corporate Institution",
- "Country"=>"Country",
- "CQLquery"=>"CQL query",
- "CQLQuery"=>"CQL Query",
- "CQLSearch"=>"CQL Search",
- "CreationDate"=>"Date Created",
- "CreationTime"=>"Time Created",
- "Creator"=>"Created by",
- "currently featuring"=>"currently featuring ",
- "Default Welcome Message"=>"Welcome! This database provides access to scientific literature.",
- "DefaultSplashMessage"=>"Track and read academic literature from",
- "delete"=>"delete",
- "descending"=>"descending",
- "descendingOrder"=>"descending order",
- "Description"=>"Description",
- "DescriptionAuthor"=>"the author(s) of this publication (e.g. 'Clough, LM; de Broyer, H-C)",
- "DescriptionEditorCheckBox"=>"mark this checkbox if the author is actually the editor (info will be also copied to the editor field)",
- "DescriptionTitle"=>"the title of this publication; please don't append any dot to the title!",
- "DescriptionType"=>"please specify the type of this publication (e.g. 'Journal Article' for a paper)",
- "DescriptionYear"=>"please specify years in 4-digit format, like '1998'",
- "DescriptionPublicationName"=>"the full title of the journal or the book title",
- "DescriptionJournalAbbr"=>"the abbreviated journal title",
- "DescriptionVolume"=>"the volume of the specified publication",
- "DescriptionIssue"=>"the issue of the specified volume",
- "DescriptionPages"=>"papers & book chapters: e.g. '12-18' (no 'pp'!), whole books: e.g. '316 pp'",
- "DescriptionCorporate"=>"author affiliation",
- "DescriptionThesis"=>"if this is a thesis, specify the degree here",
- "DescriptionAdress"=>"any contact information",
- "DescriptionKeywords"=>"keywords given by the authors; multiple items should be separated by '; '",
- "DescriptionAbstract"=>"the abstract for this publication (if any)",
- "DescriptionPublisher"=>"the publisher of this publication",
- "DescriptionPublisherPlace"=>"the place of publication",
- "DescriptionEditor"=>"the editor(s) of this publication (e.g. 'Clough, LM; de Broyer, H-C)",
- "DescriptionLanguage"=>"language of the body text",
- "DescriptionLanguageSummary"=>"language of the summary or abstract (if any)",
- "DescriptionTitleOriginal"=>"original title of this publication (if any)",
- "DescriptionSeriesEditor"=>"if this publication belongs to a series, specify the series editor(s) here",
- "DescriptionTitleSeries"=>"if this publication belongs to a series, give the full title of the series here",
- "DescriptionTitleSeriesAbbr"=>"if this publication belongs to a series, give the abbreviated title of the series here",
- "DescriptionSeriesVolume"=>"if this publication belongs to a series, enter the volume of the series here",
- "DescriptionSeriesIssue"=>"if this publication belongs to a series, enter the issue of the series volume here",
- "DescriptionEdition"=>"if it's not the first edition, please specify the edition number of this publication",
- "DescriptionISSN"=>"if this publication is a journal or dissertation, please specify it's ISSN number",
- "DescriptionISBN"=>"if this publication is a book (chapter), please specify it's ISBN number",
- "DescriptionMedium"=>"non-paper media (e.g. CD-ROM, cassette, disk, transparencies, negatives, etc.)",
- "DescriptionArea"=>"the area of investigation; multiple items should be separated with '; '",
- "DescriptionExpedition"=>"the name of the expedition where sampling took place",
- "DescriptionConference"=>"any conference this publication was initially presented at",
- "DescriptionNotes"=>"enter any generic notes here",
- "DescriptionApproved"=>"choose 'yes' if you've verified this record for correctness, otherwise set to 'no'",
- "DescriptionLocation"=>"shows all users who have added this record to their personal literature data set",
- "DescriptionCallNumber"=>"enter your own reference number that uniquely identifies this record for you",
- "DescriptionCallNumberFull"=>"institutional_abbreviation @ user_id @ user_reference_id",
- "DescriptionSerial"=>"this is the unique serial number for this record",
- "DescriptionMarked"=>"mark this record if you'd like to easily retrieve it afterwards",
- "DescriptionCopy"=>"set to 'true' if you own a copy of this publication, adjust otherwise if not",
- "DescriptionSelected"=>"select this record if this is one of your important publications",
- "DescriptionUserKeys"=>"enter your personal keywords here; multiple items should be separated with '; '",
- "DescriptionUserNotes"=>"enter your personal notes here",
- "DescriptionUserFile"=>"file spec(s) if this record corresponds to any personal file(s) on your disk",
- "DescriptionUserGroups"=>"personal group(s); multiple groups should be separated with '; '",
- "DescriptionCiteKey"=>"custom unique identifier for citation (blank for automatic cite key generation)",
- "DescriptionRelated"=>"serial numbers of related record(s); multiple serials should be separated with '; '",
- "DescriptionFile"=>"file associated with this record (e.g. a PDF) stored on the server or URL",
- "DescriptionFileImport"=>"import records from a file",
- "DescriptionFileUpload"=>"upload any file that's associated with this record",
- "DescriptionURL"=>"the web address providing more information for this publication (if any)",
- "DescriptionDOI"=>"the unique 'digital object identifier' of this publication (if available)",
- "DescriptionOnlinePublicationCheckbox"=>"mark if this record refers to an online publication that has no print equivalent (yet)",
- "DescriptionOnlinePublicationCitation"=>"any additional info that's required to locate the online location of this publication",
- "DescriptionOwnPublication"=>"one of the authors of this publication belongs to your own institution",
- "DescriptionLocationSelector"=>"'add' or 'remove' this record from your personal literature database",
- "DescriptionAddButton"=>"add this record to the database",
- "DescriptionEditButton"=>"submit your changes to this record",
- "DescriptionDeleteButton"=>"pressing this button will remove this record from the database",
- "DescriptionDeleteButtonDisabled"=>"you can't delete this record",
- "DescriptionDeleteButtonDisabledNotLoggedIn"=>" since you're not logged in",
- "DescriptionDeleteButtonDisabledNotYours"=>" since it doesn't belong to your personal literature data set",
- "DescriptionDeleteButtonDisabledOtherUser"=>" since it also belongs to the personal literature data set of another user",
- "DescriptionDeleteButtonDisabledOtherUsers"=>" since it also belongs to the personal literature data set of other users",
- "DescriptionSelectFieldGroupsForm"=>"choose the group that you want to display",
- "DescriptionSelectFieldGroupsFormDisabled"=>"you can setup a new group with all found records below",
- "DescriptionShowButtonGroupsForm"=>"show all records that belong to the specified group",
- "DescriptionShowButtonGroupsFormDisabled"=>"not available since you haven't specified any groups yet",
- "DescriptionSelectFieldRefineResultsForm"=>"choose the field you want to search",
- "DescriptionExcludeResultsCheckboxRefineResultsForm"=>"mark this checkbox to exclude all records from the current result set that match the above search criterion",
- "DescriptionSearchButtonRefineResultsForm"=>"search within the current result set",
- "DescriptionSelectFieldDisplayOptionsForm"=>"choose the field you want to show or hide",
- "DescriptionSelectFieldDisplayOptionsFormBrowseView"=>"choose the field you want to browse",
- "DescriptionSelectFieldDisplayOptionsFormDetailsView"=>"choose the fields you want to show or hide",
- "DescriptionSelectStyleDisplayOptionsFormCiteView"=>"choose your preferred citation style",
- "DescriptionSelectOrderDisplayOptionsFormCiteView"=>"choose the primary sort order for your citation list",
- "DescriptionShowButtonDisplayOptionsForm"=>"show the specified field",
- "DescriptionShowButtonDisplayOptionsFormBrowseView"=>"browse the current result set by the specified field",
- "DescriptionShowButtonDisplayOptionsFormCiteView"=>"display found records using the specified citation style and sort order",
- "DescriptionShowButtonDisplayOptionsFormDetailsView"=>"show the specified fields",
- "DescriptionHideButtonDisplayOptionsForm"=>"hide the specified field",
- "DescriptionHideButtonDisplayOptionsFormOnlyOneField"=>"only available with two or more fields being displayed",
- "DescriptionHideButtonDisplayOptionsFormDetailsView"=>"hide the specified fields",
- "DescriptionStartAtRecord"=>"specify the offset of the first search result",
- "DescriptionShowRecordsPerPage"=>"specify how many records shall be displayed per page",
- "DescriptionShowRecordsPerPageBrowseView"=>"specify how many items shall be displayed per page",
- "DescriptionSelectFieldQuickSearchForm"=>"choose the field you want to search",
- "DescriptionEnterSearchString"=>"enter your search string here",
- "DescriptionSearchDB"=>"search the literature database",
- "DescriptionSelectCiteFormat"=>"choose how your search results shall be returned",
- "DeselectAll"=>"Deselect All",
- "details"=>"details",
- "Details"=>"Details",
- "Diploma thesis"=>"Diploma thesis",
- "disabled"=>"disabled",
- "display"=>"display",
- "Display"=>"Display",
- "DisplaySQLquery"=>"Display SQL query",
- "DisplayAndSortOptions"=>"Display & Sort Options",
- "DisplayOptions"=>"Display Options",
- "Doctoral thesis"=>"Doctoral thesis",
- "doi"=>"doi",
- "DOI"=>"DOI",
- "don't touch"=>"don't touch",
- "DropDownFieldName_Author"=>"author",
- "DropDownFieldName_Address"=>"address",
- "DropDownFieldName_CorporateAuthor"=>"corporate_author",
- "DropDownFieldName_Thesis"=>"thesis",
- "DropDownFieldName_Title"=>"title",
- "DropDownFieldName_OrigTitle"=>"orig_title",
- "DropDownFieldName_Year"=>"year",
- "DropDownFieldName_Publication"=>"publication",
- "DropDownFieldName_AbbrevJournal"=>"abbrev_journal",
- "DropDownFieldName_Editor"=>"editor",
- "DropDownFieldName_Volume"=>"volume",
- "DropDownFieldName_Issue"=>"issue",
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- "DropDownFieldName_SeriesTitle"=>"series_title",
- "DropDownFieldName_AbbrevSeriesTitle"=>"abbrev_series_title",
- "DropDownFieldName_SeriesEditor"=>"series_editor",
- "DropDownFieldName_SeriesVolume"=>"series_volume",
- "DropDownFieldName_SeriesIssue"=>"series_issue",
- "DropDownFieldName_Publisher"=>"publisher",
- "DropDownFieldName_Place"=>"place",
- "DropDownFieldName_Edition"=>"edition",
- "DropDownFieldName_Medium"=>"medium",
- "DropDownFieldName_Issn"=>"issn",
- "DropDownFieldName_Isbn"=>"isbn",
- "DropDownFieldName_Language"=>"language",
- "DropDownFieldName_SummaryLanguage"=>"summary_language",
- "DropDownFieldName_Keywords"=>"keywords",
- "DropDownFieldName_Abstract"=>"abstract",
- "DropDownFieldName_Area"=>"area",
- "DropDownFieldName_Expedition"=>"expedition",
- "DropDownFieldName_Conference"=>"conference",
- "DropDownFieldName_Doi"=>"doi",
- "DropDownFieldName_Url"=>"url",
- "DropDownFieldName_File"=>"file",
- "DropDownFieldName_Notes"=>"notes",
- "DropDownFieldName_Location"=>"location",
- "DropDownFieldName_CallNumber"=>"call_number",
- "DropDownFieldName_MyCallNumber"=>"my call_number",
- "DropDownFieldName_Serial"=>"serial",
- "DropDownFieldName_Type"=>"type",
- "DropDownFieldName_Approved"=>"approved",
- "DropDownFieldName_CreatedDate"=>"created_date",
- "DropDownFieldName_CreatedTime"=>"created_time",
- "DropDownFieldName_CreatedBy"=>"created_by",
- "DropDownFieldName_ModifiedDate"=>"modified_date",
- "DropDownFieldName_ModifiedTime"=>"modified_time",
- "DropDownFieldName_ModifiedBy"=>"modified_by",
- "DropDownFieldName_Marked"=>"marked",
- "DropDownFieldName_Copy"=>"copy",
- "DropDownFieldName_Selected"=>"selected",
- "DropDownFieldName_UserKeys"=>"user_keys",
- "DropDownFieldName_UserNotes"=>"user_notes",
- "DropDownFieldName_UserFile"=>"user_file",
- "DropDownFieldName_UserGroups"=>"user_groups",
- "DropDownFieldName_CiteKey"=>"cite_key",
- "DropDownFieldName_MyCiteKey"=>"my cite_key",
- "DropDownFieldName_MainFields"=>"main fields",
- "DropDownFieldName_Custom"=>"custom",
- "DropDownFieldName_TypeYear"=>"type, year",
- "DropDownFieldName_CreationDate"=>"date created",
- "DropDownFieldName_AllFields"=>"all fields",
- "DropDownFieldName_KeywordsAbstract"=>"keywords & abstract",
- "DropDownFieldName_AdditionalFields"=>"additional fields",
- "DropDownFieldName_MyFields"=>"my fields",
- "duplicate"=>"duplicate",
- "duplicateRecord"=>"duplicate record",
- "Duplicates"=>"Duplicates",
- "edited"=>"edited",
- "edit"=>"edit",
- "Edit"=>"Edit",
- "EditRecord"=>"Edit Record",
- "EditRecordHeaderText"=>"Edit the following record",
- "Edition"=>"Edition",
- "Editor"=>"Editor",
- "Email"=>"Email",
- "EmailAddress"=>"Email Address",
- "EmailAdressPassword"=>"Password",
- "ends with"=>"ends with",
- "equal to"=>"is equal to",
- "equal to not"=>"is not equal to",
- "Examples"=>"Examples",
- "ExcludeMatches"=>"Exclude matches",
- "Expedition"=>"Expedition",
- "ExportRecord"=>"Export record",
- "ExportRecords"=>"Export Records",
- "extractCitations"=>"extract citations",
- "ExtractCitations"=>"Extract Citations",
- "ExtractCitationsLinkText"=>" from a text and build an appropriate reference list",
- "false"=>"false",
- "Features"=>"Features",
- "Features_ComprehensiveDataset"=>"a comprehensive literature dataset",
- "Features_StandardizedInterface"=>"a clean & standardized interface",
- "Features_SearchOptions"=>"a multitude of search options, including both, simple & advanced as well as powerful SQL search options",
- "Features_DisplayCiteExportOptions"=>"various display, citation & export options",
- "feedback address"=>"feedback address",
- "fetch"=>"fetch",
- "Field"=>"Field",
- "file"=>"file",
- "File"=>"File",
- "FirstName"=>"First Name",
- "Format"=>"Format",
- "Go"=>"Go",
- "Go Back"=>"Go Back",
- "GoalsAndFeatures"=>"Goals & Features",
- "Habilitation thesis"=>"Habilitation thesis",
- "help"=>"help",
- "Help"=>"Help",
- "HelpAndExamples"=>"Help & Examples",
- "Home"=>"Home",
- "Import"=>"Import",
- "ImportLinkText"=>" of records from common bibliographic formats and online databases",
- "InOrderToLoginYouMustSupplyBothEmailAddressAndPassword"=>"In Order To Login You Must Supply Both, Email Address And Password",
- "Institution"=>"Institution",
- "InstitutionAbbr"=>"Institutional Abbreviation",
- "isbn"=>"isbn",
- "ISBN"=>"ISBN",
- "issn"=>"issn",
- "ISSN"=>"ISSN",
- "Issue"=>"Issue",
- "isEditor"=>"is Editor",
- "is greater than"=>"is greater than",
- "is less than"=>"is less than",
- "is within list"=>"is within list",
- "is within range"=>"is within range",
- "items"=>"items",
- "JournalAbbr"=>"Abbreviated Journal",
- "JournalArticles"=>"Peer-reviewed Publications",
- "Journals"=>"Journals",
- "key"=>"key",
- "keywords"=>"keywords",
- "Keywords"=>"Keywords",
- "language"=>"language",
- "Language"=>"Language",
- "LanguageSummary"=>"Summary Language",
- "last 7 days"=>"last 7 days",
- "LastLogin"=>"Last Login",
- "LastName"=>"Last Name",
- "Library"=>"Library",
- "LibrarySearch"=>"Library Search",
- "Links"=>"Links",
- "LinkTitle_Home"=>"go to main page",
- "LinkTitle_Help"=>"display help",
- "LinkTitle_ShowAll"=>"show all records in the database",
- "LinkTitle_SimpleSearch"=>"search the main fields of the database",
- "LinkTitle_AdvancedSearch"=>"search all fields of the database",
- "LinkTitle_CQLSearch"=>"search the database by use of a CQL query",
- "LinkTitle_SQLSearch"=>"search the database by use of a SQL query",
- "LinkTitle_LibrarySearch_Prefix"=>"search the library of the ",
- "LinkTitle_LibrarySearch_Suffix"=>"",
- "LinkTitle_AddRecord"=>"add a record to the database",
- "LinkTitle_Import"=>"import records into the database",
- "LinkTitle_ShowRecord"=>"display details for a particular record by entering its database serial number",
- "LinkTitle_ExtractCitations"=>"extract citations from a text and build an appropriate reference list",
- "LinkTitle_ManageDuplicates"=>"flag records as original or duplicate entries",
- "LinkTitle_MyRefs"=>"display all of your records",
- "LinkTitle_Options"=>"view and modify your account details and options",
- "LinkTitle_Login"=>"login to the database",
- "LinkTitle_Logout"=>"logout from the database",
- "LinkTitle_ToggleVisibility"=>"toggle visibility",
- "LinkTitle_SelectAll"=>"select all records on this page",
- "LinkTitle_DeselectAll"=>"deselect all records on this page",
- "LinkTitle_DisplayPreviousResultsPage"=>"display previous results page",
- "LinkTitle_DisplayNextResultsPage"=>"display next results page",
- "LinkTitle_DisplayResultsPage"=>"display results page",
- "LinkTitle_DisplayLinksToResultsPages"=>"and links to pages",
- "LinkTitle_DisplayListView"=>"display all found records in list view",
- "LinkTitle_DisplayCiteView"=>"display all found records as citations",
- "LinkTitle_DisplayDetailsView"=>"display details for all found records",
- "LinkTitle_DisplayWebView"=>"back to web view",
- "LinkTitle_DisplayPrintView"=>"display print view",
- "LinkTitle_Permalink"=>"copy this URL to directly link to this record",
- "LinkTitle_SaveCitationFormat_Prefix"=>"output record as citation in ",
- "LinkTitle_SaveCitationFormat_Suffix"=>" format",
- "LinkTitle_ExportRecordFormat_Prefix"=>"export record in ",
- "LinkTitle_ExportRecordFormat_Suffix"=>" format",
- "LinkTitle_SortByField_Prefix"=>"sort by ",
- "LinkTitle_SortByField_Suffix"=>" field",
- "LinkTitle_SortedByField_Prefix"=>"sorted by ",
- "LinkTitle_SortedByField_Suffix"=>" field",
- "LinkTitle_ShowDetails"=>"show details",
- "LinkTitle_EditRecord"=>"edit record",
- "LinkTitle_DownloadPDFFile"=>"download PDF file",
- "LinkTitle_DownloadFile"=>"download file",
- "LinkTitle_GotoWebPage"=>"goto web page",
- "LinkTitle_GotoWebPageViaDOI"=>"goto web page (via DOI)",
- "LinkTitle_DisplayRelatedRecords"=>"display related records",
- "LinkTitle_FindBookDetailsViaISBN"=>"find book details (via ISBN)",
- "LinkTitle_FindRecordDetailsViaOpenURL"=>"find record details (via OpenURL)",
- "LinkTitle_ShowDetailsAndOptions"=>"show details and options",
- "LinkTitle_EditDetails"=>"edit details",
- "LinkTitle_EditOptions"=>"edit options",
- "LinkTitle_EditPermissions"=>"edit permissions",
- "LinkTitle_DeleteUser"=>"delete user",
- "LinkTitle_GoBackToResults"=>"go back to results",
- "LinkTitle_SearchFieldItem_Prefix"=>"search the ",
- "LinkTitle_SearchFieldItem_Suffix"=>" field for: ",
- "ListView"=>"List View",
- "Literature"=>"literature",
- "location"=>"location",
- "Location"=>"Location",
- "Location Field"=>"Location Field",
- "Login"=>"Login",
- "LoginFailedYouProvidedAnIncorrectEmailAddressOrPassword"=>"Login Failed ! You Provided An Incorrect Email Address Or Password",
- "Logins"=>"Logins",
- "Logout"=>"Logout",
- "MagazineArticles"=>"Magazine Articles",
- "ManageDuplicates"=>"Manage Duplicates",
- "Manuals"=>"Manuals",
- "Manuscripts"=>"Currently in Preparation or Submitted",
- "Maps"=>"Maps",
- "marked"=>"marked",
- "Marked"=>"Marked",
- "Master's thesis"=>"Master's thesis",
- "MatchFields"=>"Match Fields",
- "Medium"=>"Medium",
- "Miscellaneous"=>"Miscellaneous",
- "mobile"=>"Mobile",
- "ModifiedDate"=>"Date Modified",
- "ModifiedTime"=>"Time Modified",
- "Modifier"=>"Modified By",
- "MostRecentPublications"=>"Most recently added publications",
- "Monographs"=>"Monographs",
- "my"=>"my",
- "My"=>"My",
- "my name & email address"=>"my name & email address",
- "MyRefs"=>"My Refs",
- "Name"=>"Name",
- "NewPassword"=>"New Password",
- "NewspaperArticles"=>"Newspaper Articles",
- "NoGroupsAvl"=>"no groups available",
- "NoPermission"=>"you have no permission",
- "NoPermission_ForBatchImport"=>" to import many records at once",
- "NoPermission_ForCite"=>" to use the cite feature",
- "NoPermission_ForDisplayColumns"=>" to display records in List view",
- "NoPermission_ForDisplayDetails"=>" to display any record details",
- "NoPermission_ForExport"=>" to use the export feature",
- "NoPermission_ForFileImport"=>" to import many records from file",
- "NoPermission_ForFileUpload"=>" to upload any files",
- "NoPermission_ForFlagDups"=>" to flag any records as duplicates",
- "NoPermission_ForImport"=>" to import any records",
- "NoPermission_ForSQL"=>" to perform custom SQL searches",
- "NoPermission_ForThisQuery"=>" to perform this query",
- "NoPermission_ForUserGroups"=>" to use the user groups feature",
- "NoPermission_ForAddRecords"=>" to add any records",
- "NoPermission_ForDeleteRecord"=>" to delete this record",
- "NoPermission_ForEditRecord"=>" to edit this record",
- "NoPermission_ForEditRecords"=>" to edit any records",
- "NoPermission_ForSQLOtherThanSELECT"=>"you're only permitted to execute SELECT queries",
- "NoQueriesAvl"=>"no queries available",
- "NoRecordsImported"=>"no records imported",
- "NoRecordsSelected"=>"No records selected! Please select one or more records by clicking the appropriate checkboxes.",
- "NoResults"=>"Sorry, but your query didn't produce any results!",
- "notSpecified"=>"(not specified)",
- "no"=>"no",
- "No"=>"No",
- "not"=>"not",
- "notMarked"=>"not marked",
- "notSelected"=>"not selected",
- "not assigned yet"=>"not assigned yet",
- "note"=>"note",
- "notes"=>"notes",
- "Notes"=>"Notes",
- "of"=>"of",
- "Online publication. Cite with this text:"=>"Online publication. Cite with this text:",
- "Only"=>"Only",
- "openurl"=>"openurl",
- "OpenURL"=>"OpenURL",
- "OptionalFields"=>"Optional Fields",
- "options"=>"options",
- "Options"=>"Options",
- "or"=>"or",
- "ordered"=>"ordered",
- "original"=>"original",
- "Original"=>"Original",
- "originalRecord"=>"original record",
- "OtherPublications"=>"Other Publications",
- "pages"=>"pages",
- "Pages"=>"Pages",
- "PagesFirst"=>"First Page",
- "Password"=>"Password",
- "Patents"=>"Patents",
- "pdf"=>"pdf",
- "PDF"=>"PDF",
- "PermalinkShort"=>"Permanent link",
- "PermalinkLong"=>"Permanent link to this record",
- "permissions"=>"permissions",
- "Permissions"=>"Permissions",
- "Ph.D. thesis"=>"Ph.D. thesis",
- "Phone"=>"Phone",
- "print"=>"Print",
- "publication"=>"publication",
- "Publication"=>"Publication",
- "published in"=>"published in",
- "Publisher"=>"Publisher",
- "PublisherPlace"=>"Place of Publication",
- "query"=>"query",
- "Query"=>"Query",
- "QueryName"=>"Query Name",
- "The Query"=>"The Query",
- "QuickSearch"=>"Quick Search",
- "readonly"=>"readonly",
- "RecallMyQuery"=>"Recall My Query",
- "RecentAdditions"=>"Recent Additions",
- "RecentChanges"=>"Recent Changes",
- "Record"=>"Record",
- "Records"=>"Records",
- "record"=>"record",
- "records"=>"records",
- "refbaseDesc"=>'The database is powered by <a href="http://www.refbase.net">refbase</a>, an open source database front-end for managing scientific literature & citations.',
- "RecordSuccessfullyImported"=>"record has been successfully imported",
- "RecordsSuccessfullyImported"=>"records have been successfully imported",
- "Register"=>"Register",
- "registerAccount"=>"register new account",
- "related"=>"related",
- "Related"=>"Related",
- "Reports"=>"Reports",
- "remove"=>"remove",
- "Save"=>"Save",
- "SaveCitation"=>"Save citation",
- "SaveCitations"=>"Save Citations",
- "SavedQueryAdded"=>"The query has been successfully added.",
- "SavedQueryDeleted"=>"The query has been successfully deleted.",
- "SavedQueryEdited"=>"The query has been successfully edited.",
- "search"=>"search",
- "Search"=>"Search",
- "SearchAndDisplayOptions"=>"Search & Display Options",
- "SearchOptions"=>"Search Options",
- "SearchVerbatim"=>"search the database using the given query & display options",
- "Searchstring"=>"Search String",
- "SearchDB"=>"Search the literature database",
- "SearchMain"=>"Search the main fields of the database",
- "SearchAll"=>"Search all fields of the database",
- "SearchSQL"=>"Search the database by use of a SQL query",
- "SearchExt"=>"Search the library of the",
- "SearchSerial"=>"display details",
- "SearchSerialLinkText"=>" for a particular record by entering its database serial number",
- "SearchWithinResults"=>"Search within Results",
- "selected"=>"selected",
- "Selected"=>"Selected",
- "SelectAll"=>"Select All",
- "selectRecord"=>"select this record",
- "Serial"=>"Serial",
- "SeriesEditor"=>"Series Editor",
- "SeriesIssue"=>"Series Issue",
- "SeriesVolume"=>"Series Volume",
- "SeriesVolumeNumeric"=>"Series Volume (numeric)",
- "show"=>"show",
- "Show"=>"Show",
- "ShowAll"=>"Show All",
- "ShowGroup"=>"Show Group",
- "ShowLinks"=>"Display links",
- "ShowMyRefs"=>"Show My Refs",
- "ShowMyGroup"=>"Show My Group",
- "ShowRecord"=>"Show Record",
- "ShowRecordsPerPage_Prefix"=>"Show",
- "ShowRecordsPerPage_Suffix"=>"records per page",
- "ShowRecordsPerPage_SuffixBrowseView"=>"items per page",
- "ShowRecordsPerPage_SuffixCiteView"=>"per page",
- "ShowUserGroup"=>"Show User Group",
- "BrowseMyRefs"=>"Browse My Refs",
- "Simple"=>"Simple",
- "SimpleSearch"=>"Simple Search",
- "since last login"=>"since last login",
- "Software"=>"Software",
- "sort by"=>"sort by",
- "SortBy"=>"Sort by",
- "SortOptions"=>"Sort Options",
- "SQLquery"=>"SQL query",
- "SQLQuery"=>"SQL Query",
- "SQLSearch"=>"SQL Search",
- "StartAtRecord"=>"Start at record",
- "starts with"=>"starts with",
- "State"=>"State",
- "Style"=>"Style",
- "That..."=>"That...",
- "Thesis"=>"Thesis",
- "Theses_Bachelor"=>"Bachelor's Theses",
- "Theses_Master"=>"Master's Theses",
- "Theses_PhD"=>"Ph.D. Theses",
- "Theses_Diploma"=>"Diploma Theses",
- "Theses_Doctoral"=>"Doctoral Theses",
- "Theses_Habilitation"=>"Habilitations",
- "Theses_Other"=>"Other Theses",
- "ThisDatabaseProvides"=>"This database provides",
- "ThisDatabaseIsMaintained"=>"This literature database is maintained by the",
- "ThisDatabaseAttempts"=>"This web database is an attempt to provide a comprehensive and platform-independent literature resource for scientists.",
- "title"=>"title",
- "Title"=>"Title",
- "TitleOriginal"=>"Original Title",
- "TitleSeries"=>"Series Title",
- "TitleSeriesAbbr"=>"Abbreviated Series Title",
- "type"=>"type",
- "Type"=>"Type",
- "today"=>"today",
- "Tools serial nums"=>"Tools that work with record identifiers",
- "true"=>"true",
- "typeJournal Article"=>"Journal Article",
- "typeAbstract"=>"Abstract",
- "typeBook Chapter"=>"Book Chapter",
- "typeBook Whole"=>"Book Whole",
- "typeConference Article"=>"Conference Article",
- "typeConference Volume"=>"Conference Volume",
- "typeJournal"=>"Journal",
- "typeMagazine Article"=>"Magazine Article",
- "typeManual"=>"Manual",
- "typeManuscript"=>"Manuscript",
- "typeMap"=>"Map",
- "typeMiscellaneous"=>"Miscellaneous",
- "typeNewspaper Article"=>"Newspaper Article",
- "typePatent"=>"Patent",
- "typeReport"=>"Report",
- "typeSoftware"=>"Software",
- "url"=>"url",
- "URL"=>"URL",
- "UserFile"=>"User File",
- "UserGroups"=>"User Groups",
- "UserID"=>"User ID",
- "UserKeys"=>"User Keys",
- "UserNotes"=>"User Notes",
- "UserPermission_AllowAdd"=>"Add records",
- "UserPermission_AllowEdit"=>"Edit records",
- "UserPermission_AllowDelete"=>"Delete records",
- "UserPermission_AllowDownload"=>"File download",
- "UserPermission_AllowUpload"=>"File upload",
- "UserPermission_AllowListView"=>"List view",
- "UserPermission_AllowDetailsView"=>"Details view",
- "UserPermission_AllowPrintView"=>"Print view",
- "UserPermission_AllowBrowseView"=>"Browse view",
- "UserPermission_AllowSQLSearch"=>"SQL search",
- "UserPermission_AllowUserGroups"=>"User groups",
- "UserPermission_AllowUserQueries"=>"User queries",
- "UserPermission_AllowRSSFeeds"=>"RSS feeds",
- "UserPermission_AllowImport"=>"Import",
- "UserPermission_AllowExport"=>"Export",
- "UserPermission_AllowCite"=>"Cite",
- "UserPermission_AllowBatchImport"=>"Batch import",
- "UserPermission_AllowBatchExport"=>"Batch export",
- "UserPermission_AllowModifyOptions"=>"Modify options",
- "UserPermission_AllowEditCallNumber"=>"Edit call number",
- "Users"=>"Users",
- "view all"=>"View all database entries that were",
- "browse all"=>"Browse all database entries by",
- "VerifyPassword"=>"Verify Password",
- "VerifyNewPassword"=>"Verify New Password",
- "ViewType"=>"View type",
- "volume"=>"volume",
- "Volume"=>"Volume",
- "VolumeNumeric"=>"Volume (numeric)",
- "Warning_InputDataError"=>"There were validation errors regarding the data you entered",
- "Warning_InputDataErrorCheckComments"=>"There were validation errors regarding the data you entered. Please check the comments above the respective fields.",
- "Warning_DisplayUserSpecificFieldsOmitted"=>"Display of user-specific fields was omitted",
- "Warning_IncorrectOrMissingParams"=>"Incorrect or missing parameters to script",
- "Warning_InvalidCallToScript"=>"Invalid call to script",
- "Warning_LoginToUseCiteKeysAsIdentifiers"=>"You must login to use cite keys as record identifiers",
- "Warning_LoginToUseSavedQueries"=>"You must login to save, modify or delete any queries",
- "Warning_LoginToSubmitForm"=>"You must login to submit this form",
- "Warning_NotLoggedInAnymore"=>"You're not logged in anymore",
- "Warning_OnlyFirstRecordImported"=>"Only the first record was imported",
- "Warning_PageStatusOutDated"=>"You did login elsewhere leaving this page in an out-dated state",
- "Warning_PostDataSizeMustNotExceed"=>"POST data size must not be greater than",
- "Warning_QueryUserSpecificFieldsOmitted"=>"Querying of user-specific fields was omitted",
- "Warning_RecordDataReloaded"=>"Record data had to be reloaded omitting your changes. Please re-edit this record",
- "Warning_SavedQueryDoesNotExistAnymore"=>"This saved query does not exist anymore",
- "Warning_TimeOutPleaseLoginAgain"=>"This may be due to a time out, or, because you did logout elsewhere. Please login again",
- "web"=>"Web",
- "Welcome"=>"Welcome",
- "WorkAddress"=>"Work Address",
- "AddressLine1"=>"Address (Line 1)",
- "AddressLine2"=>"Address (Line 2)",
- "AddressLine3"=>"Address (Line 3)",
- "year"=>"year",
- "Year"=>"Year",
- "yes"=>"yes",
- "Yes"=>"Yes",
- "yesterday"=>"yesterday",
- "You are welcome to send"=>"You're welcome to send any questions or suggestions to our",
- "YouNeedToLoginInOrderToMakeChangesToTheDatabase"=>"You Need To Login In Order To Make Changes To The Database",
- "your name & email address will be filled in automatically"=>"your name & email address will be filled in automatically",
- "ZipCode"=>"Zip Code",
- "MySQL-Info"=>'The <a href="http://dev.mysql.com/doc/">MySQL online manual</a> has a <a href="http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/tutorial.html">tutorial introduction</a> on using MySQL and provides a detailed description of the <a href="http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/select.html">SELECT syntax</a>.'