- <?php
- // Project: Web Reference Database (refbase) <https://www.refbase.net>
- // Copyright: Matthias Steffens <mailto:refbase@extracts.de> and the file's
- // original author(s).
- //
- // This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Please see the GNU General Public
- // License for more details.
- //
- // File: ./initialize/ini.inc.php
- // Repository: $HeadURL: https://refbase.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/refbase/branches/bleeding-edge/initialize/ini.inc.php $
- // Author(s): Matthias Steffens <mailto:refbase@extracts.de>
- //
- // Created: 12-Jan-03, 17:58
- // Modified: $Date: 2008-12-05 01:05:20 +0100 (Fr, 05 Dez 2008) $
- // $Author: msteffens $
- // $Revision: 1352 $
- // This is the customization include file.
- // It contains variables that are common to all scripts and whose values can/should be customized.
- // I.e., you can adjust their values as needed but you must not change the variable names themselves!
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- $officialDatabaseName = "Your Literature Database"; // e.g. "IP� Literature Database"
- // Specify who'll be allowed to add a new user to the users table:
- // Note, that you should leave this variable as it is, if you're going to use the 'install.php'
- // script and the provided database structure file ('install.sql') for installation. This variable
- // is only provided for people who want to install the refbase database manually (i.e. without using
- // 'install.php' & 'install.sql'). If so, setting this value to "everyone" enables you to add the
- // admin as the very first user (don't forget to specify his email address below!). Then, change the
- // value of $addNewUsers to "admin". By that you prevent other users from messing with your users
- // table. (If the value is set to "everyone", any user will be able to add users to the users table!)
- $addNewUsers = "admin"; // possible values: "everyone", "admin"
- // The admin email address (by which a user is granted admin status after successful login!):
- // Note that you must NOT change this email address unless you've already logged in and created your
- // own admin user! See the INSTALL file for instructions on how to setup your own admin user.
- $adminLoginEmail = "user@refbase.net"; // e.g. "admin@ipoe.uni-kiel.de"
- // The feedback email address to which any support questions or suggestions should be sent:
- $feedbackEmail = "FEEDBACK_EMAIL_ADDRESS"; // e.g. "admin@ipoe.uni-kiel.de"
- // The full name of the institution hosting this literature database:
- $hostInstitutionName = "Institute for ..."; // e.g. "Institute for Polar Ecology"
- // The abbreviated name of the institution hosting this literature database:
- $hostInstitutionAbbrevName = "..."; // e.g. "IP�"
- // The URL of the institution hosting this literature database:
- $hostInstitutionURL = "INSTITUTION_WEB_ADDRESS"; // e.g. "http://www.uni-kiel.de/ipoe/"
- //uncomment to change the headlines temporalily
- include ('initialize/ini.dev.php');
- // The URL to any (custom) help resources for this literature database:
- // (specify an empty string if you don't want a help link: '$helpResourcesURL = "";')
- $helpResourcesURL = "https://www.refbase.net/"; // e.g. "https://www.refbase.net/"
- // Specify whether announcements should be sent to the email address given in '$mailingListEmail':
- // If $sendEmailAnnouncements = "yes", a short info will be mailed to the email address specified
- // in $mailingListEmail if a new record has been added to the database.
- $sendEmailAnnouncements = "no"; // possible values: "yes", "no"
- // The mailing list email address to which any announcements should be sent:
- $mailingListEmail = "ANNOUNCEMENT_EMAIL_ADDRESS"; // e.g. "ipoelit-announce@ipoe.uni-kiel.de"
- // The base URL for this literature database (i.e., the URL to the refbase root directory where
- // your refbase scripts are located):
- // It will be used within RSS feeds and when sending notification emails to database users.
- // The base URL is auto-generated by the code below. Enter a literal URL if this doesn't work for
- // you.
- $databaseBaseURL = preg_replace('#[^/]*$#e','','https://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].scriptURL(),1); // e.g. "https://polaris.ipoe.uni-kiel.de/refs/"
- // The keywords/tags that describe or categorize the content of this literature database:
- // These keywords/tags should be single words delimited by a space character. They'll be
- // included on every HTML page (in the <head> section) as well as in the OpenSearch description
- // document. A good selection of keywords may help to increase search engine visibility.
- $databaseKeywords = "equine behaviour science academic literature scientific references publication search citation web bibliography database mysql php refbase"; // e.g. "academic literature refbase"
- // The character encoding that's used as content-type for HTML, RSS and email output:
- // IMPORTANT NOTES: - the encoding type specified here must match the default character set you've
- // chosen on install for your refbase MySQL database & tables!
- // - plus, the character encoding of this file ('ini.inc.php') MUST match the
- // encoding type specified in '$contentTypeCharset'! This means, if you're going to
- // use "UTF-8", you must re-save this file with encoding "Unicode (UTF-8, no BOM)".
- $contentTypeCharset = "ISO-8859-1"; // possible values: "ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8"
- // In case you're using a latin1-encoded database ('$contentTypeCharset=ISO-8859-1'), specify whether
- // exported data (Bibtex/Endnote/RIS or MODS/SRW/ODF XML) shall be converted to Unicode (UTF-8, no BOM).
- // Conversion of exported data to UTF-8 ('$convertExportDataToUTF8=yes') is required to correctly convert
- // refbase markup such as super- and subscript or greek letters. If you set this variable to "no", then
- // the relevant refbase markup will not get converted for a latin1 database(*) and output will be in
- // ISO-8859-1 encoding.
- // (*: as a notable exception, conversion of refbase markup such as super- and subscript or greek letters
- // will be done upon Bibtex export even if this variable is set to "no")
- $convertExportDataToUTF8 = "yes"; // possible values: "yes", "no"
- // The path to the default CSS stylesheet which will be used for all page views except print/mobile view:
- $defaultStyleSheet = "css/style.css"; // e.g. "css/style.css"
- // The path to the CSS stylesheet which will be used for print view:
- $printStyleSheet = "css/style_print.css"; // e.g. "css/style_print.css"
- // The path to the CSS stylesheet which will be used for mobile view (intended for mobile devices):
- $mobileStyleSheet = "css/style_mobile.css"; // e.g. "css/style_mobile.css"
- // The default interface language:
- $defaultLanguage = "en"; // possible values: "en", "de", "fr", "cn", or "ru"
- // The number of records that's returned by default:
- // Note that this setting also controls how many records will be returned by default for RSS, OpenSearch,
- // SRU and CLI queries.
- $defaultNumberOfRecords = 10;
- // The URL path to the main logo image that's displayed in the refbase header:
- // (note that all URL paths must be given relative to the root level of your refbase script directory)
- $logoImageURL = "img/logo.gif"; // e.g. "img/logo.png"
- // The width of the main logo image (in pixels):
- $logoImageWidth = "143"; // e.g. "94"
- // The height of the main logo image (in pixels):
- $logoImageHeight = "107"; // e.g. "94"
- // The URL path to a small logo image (which gets used in the OpenSearch description document):
- // (when possible, supply a 64x64 image of type ".jpeg" or ".png" with a square aspect ratio)
- $logoSmallImageURL = "img/logo_small.png"; // e.g. "img/logo_small.png"
- // The width of the small logo image (in pixels):
- $logoSmallImageWidth = "64"; // e.g. "64"
- // The height of the small logo image (in pixels):
- $logoSmallImageHeight = "64"; // e.g. "64"
- // The valid MIME type of the small logo image:
- $logoSmallImageType = "image/gif"; // e.g. "image/jpeg" or "image/png"
- // The URL path to a favicon image (which gets used in the OpenSearch description document):
- // (this must be a 16x16 image of type ".ico")
- $faviconImageURL = "img/favicon.ico"; // e.g. "img/favicon.ico"
- // Specify whether auto-completions (search suggestions) shall be provided
- // by default (via Ajax calls) for user input in text entry fields:
- $autoCompleteUserInput = "yes"; // possible values: "yes", "no"
- // Specify whether visual effects (such as a sliding effect) shall be used
- // when a user toggles the display of particular GUI sections (e.g. the
- // Search & Display Options above the search results list):
- $useVisualEffects = "yes"; // possible values: "yes", "no"
- // Defines the default user permissions when adding new users:
- // Possible values for each of the permission settings: "yes", "no"
- // Allow a newly created user to:
- $defaultUserPermissions = array("no", // add records to the database ('allow_add')
- "no", // edit records in the database ('allow_edit')
- "no", // delete records from the database ('allow_delete')
- "no", // download files which are associated with particular records ('allow_download')
- "no", // upload files to the database ('allow_upload')
- "yes", // view records in list view ('allow_list_view')
- "yes", // view any record details ('allow_details_view')
- "yes", // view records in print view ('allow_print_view')
- "no", // view records in browse view ('allow_browse_view')
- "yes", // build a reference list from selected records ('allow_cite')
- "no", // import records into the database ('allow_import')
- "no", // batch import records into the database ('allow_batch_import')
- "yes", // export records from the database ('allow_export')
- "yes", // batch export records from the database ('allow_batch_export')
- "yes", // use the 'user groups' feature ('allow_user_groups')
- "yes", // use the 'user queries' feature ('allow_user_queries')
- "yes", // generate dynamic RSS feeds from any query ('allow_rss_feeds')
- "yes", // execute custom SQL queries via 'sql_search.php' ('allow_sql_search')
- "yes", // change his/her personal data (like name, address or password) ('allow_modify_options')
- "no");
- // [note that the 'allow_edit_call_number' permission setting isn't honoured yet!]
- // When adding a new user, the following export formats will be made available to the new user by default:
- // The specified format names must have matching entries within the 'formats' MySQL table.
- $defaultUserExportFormats = array("BibTeX",
- "Endnote",
- "ISI",
- "RIS",
- "ODF XML",
- "Word XML");
- // When adding a new user, the following citation formats will be made available to the new user by default:
- // The specified format names must have matching entries within the 'formats' MySQL table.
- $defaultUserCiteFormats = array("html",
- "RTF",
- "PDF",
- "LaTeX");
- // When adding a new user, the following citation styles will be made available to the new user by default:
- // The specified citation styles must have matching entries within the 'styles' MySQL table.
- $defaultUserStyles = array("APA",
- "AMA",
- "MLA",
- "Chicago",
- "Harvard 1",
- "Harvard 2",
- "Harvard 3",
- "Vancouver",
- "Deep Sea Res",
- "J Glaciol",
- "Mar Biol",
- "Text Citation");
- // When adding a new user, the following reference types will be made available to the new user by default:
- // The specified reference types must have matching entries within the 'types' MySQL table.
- $defaultUserTypes = array("Journal Article",
- "Abstract",
- "Book Chapter",
- "Book Whole",
- "Conference Article",
- "Conference Volume",
- "Journal",
- "Magazine Article",
- "Manual",
- "Manuscript",
- "Map",
- "Miscellaneous",
- "Newspaper Article",
- "Patent",
- "Report",
- "Software");
- // The default list of fields that will be searched by the "main fields" search option:
- // Specify a comma-separated list of fields from MySQL table 'refs'. The given fields
- // will be searched via an OR search if the user performs a search with "main fields"
- // selected from a search field drop-down menu; these fields will also be included as
- // separate entries in the "Quick Search" drop-down menu.
- $defaultMainFields = "author, serial, title, publication, keywords, abstract"; // e.g. "author, title, publication, keywords, abstract"
- // The list of fields that are available in the "main fields" selector of the user's
- // account options page:
- // The given field names must match column names in MySQL tables 'refs' and 'user_data'.
- // The given fields will be available to the user to add them to his/her preferred list
- // of "main fields". The fields selected by the user will be used instead of the default
- // list of "main fields" provided in '$defaultMainFields' (see above). The user's
- // default list of "main fields" can be specified in '$defaultUserOptions["main_fields"]'
- // (see below).
- $availableMainFields = array("author", "title", "year", "publication", "abbrev_journal",
- "editor", "series_title", "abbrev_series_title", "keywords",
- "abstract", "area", "notes", "call_number", "serial",
- "user_keys", "user_notes", "user_groups", "cite_key");
- // The list of fields that will be displayed by default in List view (i.e. the default
- // columnar output style):
- // (specify a comma-separated list of fields from MySQL table 'refs')
- //
- // - These "major" fields will be always included by default:
- $defaultFieldsListViewMajor = "author, title, year, publication, serial"; // e.g. "author, title, year, publication"
- // - These "minor" fields will only be included by default if there are no other fields
- // that are to be included:
- // (e.g., if one uses "Quick Search" to search the 'abstract' or 'keywords' fields,
- // those fields will be displayed instead of the "minor" fields listed here)
- $defaultFieldsListViewMinor = "volume, pages"; // e.g. "volume, pages"
- // The default list of fields that will be available in drop-down menus of the
- // results header:
- // (given field names must match column names in MySQL tables 'refs' and 'user_data';
- // you can change the order of fields to control the field order in the drop-down menus)
- //
- // - These fields will be visible for all users, no matter whether they are logged in or not:
- $defaultDropDownFieldsEveryone = array("author", "title", "year", "keywords", "abstract",
- "type", "publication", "abbrev_journal", "volume",
- "issue", "pages", "thesis", "publisher", "place",
- "editor", "series_title", "language", "area",
- "notes", "call_number", "serial");
- // - These fields will be only visible to logged in users:
- $defaultDropDownFieldsLogin = array("location", "marked", "copy", "selected", "user_keys",
- "user_notes", "user_file", "user_groups", "cite_key");
- // Defines the default user options when adding new users:
- $defaultUserOptions = array(
- // controls whether to include cite keys on export or not:
- "export_cite_keys" => "yes", // possible values: "yes", "no"
- // controls whether cite keys will be auto-generated on export:
- "autogenerate_cite_keys" => "yes", // possible values: "yes", "no"
- // controls whether auto-generated cite keys will overwrite record-specific contents from
- // the user-specific 'cite_key' field on export:
- "prefer_autogenerated_cite_keys" => "no", // possible values: "yes", "no"
- // controls whether the user's custom cite key format shall be used (instead of the default
- // cite key format provided in '$defaultCiteKeyFormat', see below):
- "use_custom_cite_key_format" => "no", // possible values: "yes", "no"
- // the user's custom cite key format:
- // see comments for '$fileNamingScheme' (below) for more info on supported placeholders
- "cite_key_format" => "<:firstAuthor:><:year:>", // e.g. "<:firstAuthor:><:year:>"
- // controls whether to add incrementing numbers to any duplicate cite keys:
- "uniquify_duplicate_cite_keys" => "yes", // possible values: "yes", "no"
- // controls how non-ASCII characters will be treated in cite keys:
- // (keep empty in order to use the site default given in '$handleNonASCIICharsInCiteKeysDefault')
- "nonascii_chars_in_cite_keys" => "", // possible values: "strip", "keep", "transliterate", ""
- // controls whether the user's custom text citation format shall be used (instead of the default
- // text citation format provided in '$defaultTextCitationFormat', see below):
- "use_custom_text_citation_format" => "no", // possible values: "yes", "no"
- // the user's custom text citation format:
- // see comments for '$fileNamingScheme' (below) for more info on supported placeholders
- "text_citation_format" => "<:authors[2| & | et al.]:>< :year:>< {:recordIdentifier:}>", // e.g. "<:authors[2| & | et al.]:>< :year:>< {:recordIdentifier:}>"
- // the user's preferred number of records that's returned by default:
- "records_per_page" => "5", // e.g. "5"
- // the user's preference for displaying auto-completions:
- "show_auto_completions" => "yes", // possible values: "yes", "no"
- // the user's preferred list of "main fields" (that will be used instead of the
- // default list of "main fields" provided in '$defaultMainFields', see above):
- "main_fields" => "author, title, publication, keywords, abstract"); // e.g. "author, title, publication, keywords, abstract"
- // The default cite key format used for auto-generation of cite keys:
- // see comments for '$fileNamingScheme' (below) for more info on supported placeholders
- $defaultCiteKeyFormat = "<:authors:><:year:>"; // e.g. "<:authors:><:year:>"
- // Default setting that controls how non-ASCII characters will be treated in auto-generated cite keys:
- // - "strip": removes any non-ASCII characters
- // - "keep": keeps any non-ASCII characters (note that bibutils may strip any non-ASCII chars from cite
- // keys when exporting to Endnote, RIS or BibTeX, depending on the bibutils version you're using)
- // - "transliterate": attempts to transliterate most of the non-ASCII characters and strips all non-ASCII
- // chars that can't be converted into ASCII equivalents (this is the recommended option)
- $handleNonASCIICharsInCiteKeysDefault = "transliterate"; // possible values: "strip", "keep", "transliterate"
- // The name of the default citation style:
- // This name must correspond to an entry within the 'styles' MySQL table.
- // It will be used for citation output within 'show.php', 'opensearch.php' and the 'generateRSS()' function.
- $defaultCiteStyle = "APA";
- // The size of the PDF page (used when outputting citations as PDF):
- $pdfPageSize = "a4"; // possible values: "a4", "letter"
- // The default text citation format:
- // see comments for '$fileNamingScheme' (below) for more info on supported placeholders
- $defaultTextCitationFormat = "<:authors[2| & | et al.]:>< {:recordIdentifier:}>< :year:>"; // e.g. "<:authors[2| & | et al.]:>< :year:>< {:recordIdentifier:}>"
- // The name of the default export format:
- // This name must correspond to an entry within the 'formats' MySQL table (of 'format_type' = "export").
- // It will be used when 'show.php' was called with 'submit=Export' but no 'exportFormat' parameter was specified.
- $defaultExportFormat = "RIS";
- // Specify whether export of data should be allowed via the refbase GUI for anyone who isn't logged in:
- // Note that this setting overrides the permission settings 'allow_export' and 'allow_batch_export' for
- // anonymous users ('userID=0') w.r.t. the *web* interface. E.g., with '$allowAnonymousGUIExport' set to
- // "no" and export permissions for 'userID=0' set to "yes", you can allow anonymous access to refbase
- // via its export APIs while disallowing export by anonymous users via the web interface.
- $allowAnonymousGUIExport = "no"; // possible values: "yes", "no"
- // The name of the default feed format:
- // This specifies whether RSS XML or Atom XML will be offered as default feed format
- // (e.g. in auto-discovery links of the HTML head).
- $defaultFeedFormat = "RSS XML"; // possible values: "RSS XML", "Atom XML"
- // Specify who'll be allowed to see files associated with any records:
- // Set this variable to "everyone" if you want _any_ visitor of your database (whether he's logged
- // in or not) to be able to see links to any associated files. If you choose "login" instead, a
- // user must be logged in to view any files. Finally, use "user-specific" if you want to set this
- // permission individually for each user. Note that, setting this variable to either "everyone" or
- // "login" will override the user-specific permission setting for file downloads ("allow_download"
- // permission).
- $fileVisibility = "user-specific"; // possible values: "everyone", "login", "user-specific"
- // Specify a condition where files will be always made visible [optional]:
- // This variable can be used to specify a condition where the above rule of file visibility can be
- // by-passed (thus allowing download access to some particular files while all other files are
- // protected by the above rule). Files will be shown regardless of the above rule if the specified
- // condition is met. First param must be a valid field name from table 'refs', second param the
- // conditional expression (specified as /perl-style regular expression/ -> see note at the end of
- // this file). The given example will *always* show links to files where the 'thesis' field of the
- // corresponding record is not empty. If you do not wish to make any exception to the above rule,
- // just specify an empty array, like: '$fileVisibilityException = array();'. Use the "/.../i"
- // modifier to invoke case insensitive matching.
- $fileVisibilityException = array("thesis", "/.+/"); // e.g. 'array("thesis", "/.+/")'
- // Define what will be searched by "library_search.php":
- // refbase offers a "Library Search" feature that provides a separate search page for searching an
- // institution's library. All searches performed thru this search form will be restricted to
- // records that match the specified condition. First param must be a valid field name from table
- // 'refs', second param the conditional expression (specified as MySQL extended regular expression
- // -> see note at the end of this file). Of course, you could also use this feature to restrict
- // searches thru "library_search.php" by _any_ other condition. E.g., with "location" as the first
- // parameter and your own login email address as the second parameter, any "library" search would
- // be restricted to your personal literature data set. If you don't want to make any use of
- // "library_search.php", specify an empty array, like: '$librarySearchPattern = array();'
- $librarySearchPattern = array("location", "library"); // e.g. 'array("location", "IP� Library")'
- // Define the directory path that's used to save session data and to write any temporary files.
- // Usually, you can leave this variable as is. However, if you're on a hosted service, your
- // Internet Service Provider may have given you a specific session/temp DIR path which you may need
- // to specify here.
- $sessionTempDir = session_save_path(); // e.g. session_save_path(), or "/var/www/web12345/phptmp"
- //echo 'tempdir: '.$sessionTempDir.'<br>';
- // The base DIR path to your default file directory:
- // I.e., the local path to the root directory where any PDF files etc. are stored. This must be a
- // valid path specification to a local directory that's accessible (read+write) by the server. As an
- // example, if you're using the Apache web server on a unix machine and if your default file
- // directory (named "files") is located on the root level of your refbase script directory (named
- // "refs") the path spec could be something like: "/usr/local/httpd/htdocs/refs/files/"
- // (IMPORTANT: if given, the base dir MUST end with a slash!)
- $filesBaseDir = getcwd()."/files/"; // e.g. "/usr/local/httpd/htdocs/refs/files/"
- //echo "dir: ".$filesBaseDir.'<br>';
- // The URL to the default file directory that you've specified in $filesBaseDir:
- // Any string within the 'file' field of the 'refs' table that doesn't start with "https://" or
- // "ftp://" will get prefixed with this URL. If your files directory is within your refbase root
- // directory, specify a *relative* path (e.g.: "files/" if the directory is on the same level as the
- // refbase php scripts and it's named "files"). Alternatively, if your files directory is somewhere
- // else within your server's DocumentRoot, you must specify an *absolute* path (e.g.: "/files/" if
- // the directory is on the uppermost level of your DocumentRoot and it's named "files"). If,
- // instead, you want to use *complete* path specifications within the 'file' field (e.g. because
- // your files are located within multiple directories), simply don't specify any URL here, i.e.,
- // keep it empty: '$filesBaseURL = "";'
- // (IMPORTANT: if given, the base URL MUST end with a slash!)
- $filesBaseURL = "files/"; // e.g. "files/"
- // Specify if files should be moved into sub-directories:
- // - "never": files will always be copied to the root files dir (i.e. don't use any sub-directories)
- // - "always": auto-generate new sub-directories if required (according to the naming scheme
- // given in '$dirNamingScheme', see below)
- // - "existing": only copy files into sub-directories if the sub-directory already exists
- $moveFilesIntoSubDirectories = "never"; // possible values: "never", "always", "existing"
- // Specify the naming scheme for auto-generated sub-directories:
- // (see comments for '$fileNamingScheme' for more info on supported placeholders)
- // Notes: - use slashes ('/' or '\') to separate between multiple sub-directories
- // - you're allowed to use any characters between (or within) placeholders except the delimiters
- // '<', '>' and ':'
- // - handling of any non-ASCII chars will be controlled by '$handleNonASCIIChars' and unwanted
- // characters can be excluded with the help of '$allowedDirNameCharacters' (see below)
- $dirNamingScheme = "<:firstAuthor:>/<:year:>"; // e.g. "<:firstAuthor:>/<:year:>"
- // Specify whether refbase shall rename uploaded files:
- // (note that if '$renameUploadedFiles' is set to "no", uploaded files will be blocked if they
- // contain any other characters than specified in '$allowedFileNameCharacters', see below)
- $renameUploadedFiles = "yes"; // possible values: "yes", "no"
- // Specify how to rename uploaded files:
- // Supported placeholders:
- // <:serial:>, <:authors:>, <:firstAuthor:>, <:secondAuthor:>, <:title:>, <:year:>, <:publication:>,
- // <:abbrevJournal:>, <:volume:>, <:issue:>, <:pages:>, <:startPage:>, <:endPage:>, <:keywords:>,
- // <:issn:>, <:isbn:>, <:issn_isbn:>, <:area:>, <:notes:>, <:userKeys:>, <:citeKey:>, <:doi:>,
- // <:recordIdentifier:>, <:randomNumber:>
- // Notes: - some of these placeholders offer options (e.g. how many words/items shall be extracted
- // from the given field), please see the refbase online documentation for more info about
- // placeholders and their syntax: <https://placeholders.refbase.net/>
- // - existing file extensions will be kept untouched by this naming scheme
- // - you're allowed to use any characters between (or within) placeholders except the delimiters
- // '<', '>' and ':'
- // - handling of any non-ASCII chars will be controlled by '$handleNonASCIIChars' and unwanted
- // characters can be excluded with the help of '$allowedFileNameCharacters' (see below)
- // - it is strongly recommended to always include the '<:serial:>' placeholder in order to ensure
- // truly unique file names, otherwise you'll risk files already on the server getting overwritten
- // by newly uploaded files (that got assigned the same name)
- $fileNamingScheme = "<:serial:>_<:authors:><:year:>"; // e.g. "<:serial:>_<:authors:><:year:>"
- // Specify how non-ASCII characters shall be treated in file/directory names:
- // - "strip": removes any non-ASCII characters
- // - "keep": keeps any non-ASCII characters (which, depending on your file system, may cause problems!)
- // - "transliterate": attempts to transliterate most of the non-ASCII characters and strips all non-ASCII
- // chars that can't be converted into ASCII equivalents (this is the recommended option)
- $handleNonASCIIChars = "transliterate"; // possible values: "strip", "keep", "transliterate"
- // Specify all characters that will be allowed in file names:
- // In addition to the character conversion invoked by '$handleNonASCIIChars' (see above), this variable
- // allows you to further restrict generation of file names to a particular set of characters.
- // If '$renameUploadedFiles' is set to "no", uploaded files will be blocked if they contain any other
- // characters than specified here. If '$renameUploadedFiles' is set to "yes", any characters which
- // are not listed below will be removed from the generated file name.
- // (given expression must be specified as contents of a perl-style regular expression character class -> see
- // note at the end of this file; you can simply specify an empty string if you don't want any further character
- // conversion: '$allowedFileNameCharacters = "";')
- $allowedFileNameCharacters = "a-zA-Z0-9+_.-"; // e.g. "a-zA-Z0-9+_.-"
- // Specify all characters that will be allowed in directory names:
- // (same notes apply as for '$allowedFileNameCharacters')
- $allowedDirNameCharacters = "a-zA-Z0-9+_-"; // e.g. "a-zA-Z0-9+_-"
- // Choose whether case transformations shall be applied to the file/directory names:
- // - "no": don't perform any case tranformations (i.e, keep the file/directory names as is)
- // - "lower": transform all characters to lower case
- // - "upper": transform all characters to upper case
- // (note that case transformations will be always performed regardless of any other file/directory
- // related settings)
- // File names:
- $changeCaseInFileNames = "no"; // possible values: "no", "lower", "upper"
- // DIR names:
- $changeCaseInDirNames = "lower"; // possible values: "no", "lower", "upper"
- // Default options for placeholders used by the file/directory name, cite key and
- // link auto-generation features:
- // Notes: - please see the refbase online documentation for more info about placeholders and
- // their syntax: <https://placeholders.refbase.net/>
- //
- // Default options for '<:authors:>':
- $extractDetailsAuthorsDefault = "[2|+|_etal]"; // e.g. "[2|+|_etal]"
- // Default options for '<:title:>':
- $extractDetailsTitleDefault = "[1]"; // e.g. "[1]"
- // Default options for '<:year:>':
- // syntax: "[DIGIT_FORMAT]"
- $extractDetailsYearDefault = "[4]"; // possible values: "[2]", "[4]"
- // Default options for '<:publication:>':
- $extractDetailsPublicationDefault = "[3]"; // e.g. "[3]"
- // Default options for '<:abbrevJournal:>':
- $extractDetailsAbbrevJournalDefault = "[3]"; // e.g. "[3]"
- // Default options for '<:keywords:>':
- $extractDetailsKeywordsDefault = "[1]"; // e.g. "[1]"
- // Default options for '<:area:>':
- $extractDetailsAreaDefault = "[1]"; // e.g. "[1]"
- // Default options for '<:notes:>':
- $extractDetailsNotesDefault = "[1]"; // e.g. "[1]"
- // Default options for '<:userKeys:>':
- $extractDetailsUserKeysDefault = "[1]"; // e.g. "[1]"
- // Default options for '<:randomNumber:>':
- // specify an empty string (or "[|]") to use the maximum possible range: '$extractDetailsRandomNumberDefault = "";'
- $extractDetailsRandomNumberDefault = "[0|99999]"; // e.g. "[0|99999]"
- // The default view that is displayed for found results:
- // - "List" will produce the columnar output style (List view)
- // - "Cite" returns found records as citations (Citation view)
- // - "Display" displays full record details (Details view)
- // - "Browse" displays unique field values (Browse view)
- $defaultView = "List"; // possible values: "List", "Cite", "Display", "Browse"
- // Specify whether additional info is made available in Citation view by clicking a triangle
- // widget underneath each citation, and which fields shall be included:
- // (given field names must match column names in MySQL tables 'refs' and 'user_data';
- // you can change the order of fields to control the display order; to completely disable
- // this feature, specify an empty array, like: '$additionalFieldsCitationView = array();')
- $additionalFieldsCitationView = array("abstract", "keywords", "area", "user_keys",
- "user_groups", "user_notes", "cite_key");
- // Specify whether additional fields shall be displayed in Details view by default:
- // In Details view, these "additional fields" will get displayed between the 'abstract'
- // and 'call_number' fields; they constitute fields that are usually less important
- // (such as publisher or series info)
- $showAdditionalFieldsDetailsViewDefault = "yes"; // possible values: "yes", "no"
- // Specify whether user-specific fields shall be displayed in Details view by default:
- // In Details view, user-specific (i.e. personal/private) fields will get displayed for
- // logged-in users below all other fields with a light yellow background; they constitute
- // fields that are individual for each user and cannot be viewed by other users
- $showUserSpecificFieldsDetailsViewDefault = "yes"; // possible values: "yes", "no"
- // Specify whether the results header & footer should be displayed open or closed by default,
- // or whether they should be entirely hidden from the interface:
- // (display defaults are specified for each of the supported view types individually;
- // see comments for '$defaultView' for more info on the different view types)
- // Possible view types: "List", "Cite", "Display", "Browse"
- // Possible display values: "open", "closed", "hidden"
- //
- // - Results header:
- // "view type" => "display value"
- $displayResultsHeaderDefault = array("List" => "open",
- "Cite" => "closed",
- "Display" => "closed",
- "Browse" => "hidden");
- // - Results footer:
- // (note that the cite, group & export functionality doesn't yet work in Browse view)
- // "view type" => "display value"
- $displayResultsFooterDefault = array("List" => "open",
- "Cite" => "closed",
- "Display" => "closed",
- "Browse" => "hidden");
- // Specify which links shall be displayed (if available and if the Links column is visible):
- // (note that for List and Citation view, only one link will be printed for links of type
- // url/doi/isbn/xref; order of preference: doi, url, isbn, xref)
- // Possible array items: "details", "edit", "file", "url", "doi", "isbn", "xref"
- //
- // - List view:
- $showLinkTypesInListView = array("details", "edit", "file", "url", "doi", "isbn", "xref");
- // - Citation view:
- $showLinkTypesInCitationView = array("details", "edit", "file", "url", "doi", "isbn", "xref");
- // Specify the views where clickable search links shall be created for items in certain fields:
- // (note that for Citation view, search links are currently only provided within the "more info"
- // section underneath each citation, see also variable '$additionalFieldsCitationView'; to
- // completely disable this feature for all views, specify an empty array like:
- // '$showFieldItemLinks = array();')
- $showFieldItemLinks = array("List", "Cite", "Display"); // possible array items: "List", "Cite", "Display"
- // Specify the list of fields whose items should be made into clickable search links:
- // (note that this feature isn't available for all fields from MySQL tables 'refs' and
- // 'user_data', nor does it make sense for all fields)
- // Possible fields: "author", "title", "type", "year", "publication", "abbrev_journal",
- // "keywords", "thesis", "area", "expedition", "notes", "serial", "marked",
- // "selected", "user_keys", "user_notes", "user_groups", "cite_key"
- $linkedFields = array("author", "year", "publication", "abbrev_journal", "keywords", "area",
- "user_keys", "user_notes", "user_groups");
- // Specify the maximum number of links to found results pages that are displayed per page:
- $maximumBrowseLinks = "10";
- // Define 'accesskey' values which allow for keyboard navigation of the refbase interface:
- // An access key is a single character; for maximum compatibility, use only the lowercase
- // ASCII letters "a" through "z". Alternatively, you might want to use digits for access
- // keys in order to avoid conflicts with built-in keyboard shortcuts in browsers and other
- // software. To disable a particular accesskey, specify an empty value (""); to completely
- // disable all access keys, specify an empty array, like: '$accessKeys = array();'
- $accessKeys = array(
- // page header:
- "home" => "0", // "Home" link (e.g. "0")
- "show_all" => "1", // "Show All" link (e.g. "1")
- "search" => "", // "Simple Search" link (e.g. "s")
- "adv_search" => "", // "Advanced Search" link
- "add" => "", // "Add Record" link (e.g. "a")
- "import" => "", // "Import" link (e.g. "i")
- "sql_query" => "", // "your query" link (e.g. "q")
- "save_query" => "", // "save" link (e.g. "v")
- "dups" => "", // "dups" link (e.g. "u")
- "history" => "", // "history" link (e.g. "y")
- "my_refs" => "7", // "My Refs" link (e.g. "7")
- "my_opt" => "8", // "Options" link (e.g. "8")
- "login" => "9", // "Login/Logout" link (e.g. "9")
- "qck_search" => "f", // text entry field of the "Quick Search" form (e.g. "f")
- // results header:
- "header" => ",", // "Search & Display Options" link that toggles visibility of the results header (e.g. ",")
- "refine" => "", // text entry field of the "Search within Results" form
- "max_rows" => "r", // "records per page" text entry field of the "Display Options" form (e.g. "r")
- // browse links:
- "next" => "2", // "next results page" link (e.g. "2" or "n")
- "previous" => "", // "previous results page" link (e.g. "p")
- "list" => "3", // "List View" link (e.g. "3")
- "cite" => "4", // "Citations" link (e.g. "4")
- "details" => "5", // "Details" link (e.g. "5")
- "print" => "6", // "Web/Print View" link (e.g. "6")
- // results footer:
- "footer" => ".", // "Cite, Group & Export Options" link that toggles visibility of the results footer (e.g. ".")
- "biblio" => "", // "Cite" button of the "Save Citations" form (e.g. "c")
- "export" => "", // "Export" button of the "Export Records" form (e.g. "e")
- // page footer:
- "sql_search" => "", // "SQL Search" link
- "cql_search" => "", // "CQL Search" link
- "lib_search" => "", // "Library Search" link
- "show_rec" => "", // "Show Record" link (e.g. "w")
- "extract" => "", // "Extract Citations" link (e.g. "x")
- // search pages:
- "search_opt" => ",", // "Search/Display Options" link that toggles visibility of the search/display options (e.g. ",")
- "search_help" => ".", // "Help/Examples" link that toggles visibility of the inline help/examples (e.g. ".")
- );
- // Specify the base URL to an OpenURL resolver:
- // Notes: - more info about the OpenURL standard (including pointers to further documentation)
- // is available at <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenURL>
- // - specify an empty string if you don't want any auto-generation of OpenURL links:
- // '$openURLResolver = "";'
- $openURLResolver = "https://www.crossref.org/openurl";
- // Examples for OpenURL resolvers:
- // - Generic OpenURL resolver provided by CrossRef: "https://www.crossref.org/openurl"
- // (note that the CrossRef.org resolver requires you to register for a free account,
- // see the comments for '$crossRefReqDat' below)
- //
- // - 1Cate, the OpenURL link-server from ISI/Openly: "https://isi.1cate.com/?sid=ISI:WoS"
- //
- // - WorldCat OpenURL resolver which redirects to "the best" resolver for the client IP address:
- // "https://worldcatlibraries.org/registry/gateway"
- // Specify your CrossRef account credentials:
- // Notes: - the CrossRef.org OpenURL resolver requires users to have an account and to supply their login
- // credentials in the 'pid' parameter of the OpenURL request; for more info please see:
- // <https://www.crossref.org/openurl>
- // - to request a (free) account, complete the form at: <https://www.crossref.org/requestaccount/>
- // - after you've created & verified your account, enter your login credentials (e.g.
- // "name@someplace.com" or "username:password") here
- $crossRefReqDat = "info@refbase.net"; // e.g. "info@refbase.net"
- // Define the format for an ISBN lookup URL:
- // Notes: - obviously, the ISBN link will only get auto-generated if an ISBN number is present
- // - specify an empty string if you don't want any auto-generation of ISBN links: '$isbnURLFormat = "";'
- $isbnURLFormat = "https://isbn.nu/<:isbn:>";
- // e.g. isbn.nu ISBN resolver: "https://isbn.nu/<:isbn:>"
- // If your institution has access to particular databases of the "Cambridge Scientific Abstracts"
- // (CSA) Internet Database Service (https://www.csa1.co.uk/csa/index.html), you can specify the
- // direct URL to the database(s) below. Why that? The 'import.php' script offers an import form
- // that enables a user to import records from the CSA Internet Database Service. The URL you specify
- // here will appear as link within the explanatory text of 'import.php' pointing your users
- // directly to the CSA databases you have access to.
- // e.g. "https://www.csa1.co.uk/htbin/dbrng.cgi?username=...&access=...&cat=aquatic&quick=1"
- $importCSArecordsURL = "https://www.csa1.co.uk/csa/index.html";
- // The search & replace actions defined in file 'includes/transtab_refbase_html.inc.php' will be
- // applied to the 'title', 'address', 'keywords' and 'abstract' fields (the list of fields can be
- // modified below, see '$searchReplaceActionsArray'). This feature is meant to provide richer text
- // capabilities (like displaying italics or super-/subscript) from the plain text data delivered by
- // the MySQL database. It works by means of "human readable markup" that's used within the plain
- // text fields of the database to define rich text characters. E.g., if you enclose a particular
- // word by substrings (like '_in-situ_') this word will be output in italics. Similarly, '**word**'
- // will print the word in boldface, 'CO[sub:2]' will cause the number in 'CO2' to be set as
- // subscript while '[delta]' will produce a greek delta letter. Feel free to customize this markup
- // scheme to your needs (the left column of the array in 'transtab_refbase_html.inc.php' represents
- // regular expression patterns matching the human readable markup that's used in your database while
- // the right column represents the equivalent HTML encoding). If you do not wish to perform any
- // search and replace actions, just specify an empty array, like: '$transtab_refbase_html =
- // array();'.
- include 'includes/transtab_refbase_html.inc.php'; // include refbase markup -> HTML search & replace patterns
- // Defines search & replace 'actions' that will be applied to all those refbase fields that are listed in the corresponding 'fields' element
- // upon WEB DISPLAY. Search & replace patterns must be specified as perl-style regular expression (including the leading & trailing slashes)
- // and may include mode modifiers (such as '/.../i' to perform a case insensitive match) -> see note at the end of this file.
- // If you don't want to perform any search and replace actions, specify an empty array, like: '$searchReplaceActionsArray = array();')
- // "/Search Pattern/" => "Replace Pattern"
- $searchReplaceActionsArray = array(
- array(
- 'fields' => array("title", "publication", "abbrev_journal", "address", "keywords", "abstract", "orig_title", "series_title", "abbrev_series_title", "notes"),
- 'actions' => $transtab_refbase_html // perform search & replace actions that provide for human readable markup (as defined in 'includes/transtab_refbase_html.inc.php')
- )
- // ,
- // array(
- // 'fields' => array("address", "abstract"),
- // 'actions' => array(
- // "/((?:ht|f)tp:\/\/[^ \"<>\r\n]+?)(?=>|"|[ \"<>\r\n]|$)/" => "<a target='_new' href='\\1'>\\1</a>", // generate clickable links from any web addresses
- // "/([0-9a-zA-Z._-]+)@([0-9a-zA-Z._-]+)\\.([a-zA-Z]{2,3})/" => "<a href='mailto:\\1@\\2.\\3'>\\1@\\2.\\3</a>" // generate clickable links from any email addresses
- // )
- // )
- );
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Note regarding the use of regular expressions:
- // Certain variables within this file expect you to enter search patterns as either "MySQL
- // extended" or "perl-style" regular expression. While regular expressions provide a powerful
- // syntax for searching they may be somewhat difficult to write and daunting if you're new to the
- // concept. If you require help coming up with a correct regular expression that matches your
- // needs, you may want to visit <https://grep.extracts.de/> for pointers to language-specific
- // documentation, tutorials, books and regex-aware applications. Alternatively, you're welcome to
- // post a message to the refbase help forum: <https://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=218758>
- ?>