Please follow the steps below to update an existing refbase installation to refbase-0.9.7. The update script should also be able to update any refbase version that was installed from SVN prior to the release of refbase-0.9.7. To update versions of refbase prior to refbase-0.8.0, please update to refbase-0.8.0 first. - First of all, please make sure that you have a recent backup of your refbase MySQL database! This can be accomplished by issuing the following command from your shell: mysqldump DATABASE_NAME -uADMINUSER -p --complete-insert --opt > refbase.sql In the above line, replace DATABASE_NAME with the database name that you've specified for the variable '$databaseName' (in file 'initialize/'). Similarly, replace ADMINUSER with the name of the administrative user that has full access to the refbase MySQL database. As an example, if the variable '$databaseName' is set to "literature" and your administrative user is "root", the above line would read: mysqldump literature -uroot -p --complete-insert --opt > refbase.sql WARNING: If using MySQL 4.1.x, mysqldump's charset conversion may damage data. If necessary, use the '--default-character-set=latin1' option to avoid the conversion. More info is available at . - Backup your original configuration files 'initialize/' and 'initialize/'. Optionally, you may want to backup all of your existing refbase scripts. - Move all refbase-0.9.7 files to your server's web directory. - Open the file 'initialize/' in a text editor and re-enter the values from your old '' file for the variables '$databaseName', '$username' and '$password'. Similarly, migrate all custom values that you've entered within the old '' file to the new one. - Now, open a web browser and access the 'update.php' script by typing: (where the string 'SERVER_ADDRESS' is replaced by your server name and 'PATH_ON_SERVER' is the actual path to your refbase-0.9.5 web directory) This should bring up the update form. Edit the contents of all text entry fields to match your server setup and supply the MySQL admin password, then click the 'Update' button to update the database. WIN32: Be sure to set a password for the MySQL root user. This will add the MySQL tables that were added in 0.9.x and alter existing tables to match the table design used by refbase-0.9.x. A detailed log is generated for all performed update actions. Your data should remain untouched by this operation. - After you've successfully performed the update, please remove the files 'update.php' & 'update.sql' (as well as 'install.php' & 'install.sql') from your web directory. - Note: The update process modifies some existing formats in table 'formats' and adds additional ones. Please login as admin and make sure that suitable import, export and citation formats are enabled for all of your users within the "Display Options" section of the admin interface. See also: