MySQL database "literature", table "refs" ========================================= field names ----------- fields available in table "refs" matching field in "refs.fp5" -------------------------------- ---------------------------- author Author Generic [A_13] address Author Affiliation [03] corporate_author Corporate Author [A_40] first_author FirstAuthorGeneric [A_23] author_count NumberOfAuthorsGeneric title Title Generic [A_14] orig_title Translated Title [11] publication Journal Book Title Generic [A_15] abbrev_journal Abbrev. Journal Title [46] year Date of Publication [20] date (none) volume Volume ID [22] volume_numeric Volume Numeric issue Issue ID [24] pages Pages Generic [A_19] first_page FirstPage [A_34] keywords Keywords [45] abstract Abstract [43] edition Edition [15] editor Author, Monographic [07] publisher Publisher [19] place Place of Publication [18] medium Packaging Method [27] series_editor Series Editor [30] series_title Series Title [32] abbrev_series_title Abbrev. Series Title [A_17] series_volume Series Volume ID [33] series_volume_numeric (none!) series_issue Series Issue ID [34] issn ISSN [40] isbn ISBN [41] language Language [35] summary_language Summary Language [A_10] area Research Area [A_05] type Record Type [A_06] publication_status (none!) thesis (none!) expedition Expedition [A_11] doi DOI [A_26] conference Conference [A_33] url Location|URL [38] call_number Call Number [44] (in "Refs Mat.fp5": IPOE Literature DB Call Number [A_41]) location Copy Location [A_35] contribution_id Contribution ID online_publication (none!) online_citation (none!) file File Name [A_27] notes Notes [42] serial Serial Number orig_record Original Record approved Approved Boolean created_date Created Date [A_36] created_time Created Time [A_38] created_by Erstellt von modified_date Modified Date [A_37] modified_time Modified Time [A_39] modified_by GeŠndert von column types ------------ author TEXT address TEXT corporate_author VARCHAR(255) first_author VARCHAR(100) author_count TINYINT UNSIGNED title TEXT orig_title TEXT publication VARCHAR(255) abbrev_journal VARCHAR(100) year SMALLINT date VARCHAR(50) volume VARCHAR(50) volume_numeric SMALLINT UNSIGNED issue VARCHAR(50) pages VARCHAR(50) first_page MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED keywords TEXT abstract TEXT edition TINYINT UNSIGNED editor TEXT publisher VARCHAR(255) place VARCHAR(100) medium VARCHAR(50) series_editor TEXT series_title TEXT abbrev_series_title VARCHAR(100) series_volume VARCHAR(50) series_volume_numeric SMALLINT UNSIGNED series_issue VARCHAR(50) issn VARCHAR(100) isbn VARCHAR(100) language VARCHAR(100) summary_language VARCHAR(100) area VARCHAR(255) type VARCHAR(100) publication_status ENUM("published","in print","submitted","unpublished") thesis ENUM("Bachelor's thesis","Master's thesis","Ph.D. thesis","Diploma thesis","Doctoral thesis","Habilitation thesis") expedition VARCHAR(255) doi VARCHAR(100) conference VARCHAR(255) url VARCHAR(255) call_number TEXT location TEXT contribution_id VARCHAR(100) online_publication ENUM("no","yes") NOT NULL online_citation VARCHAR(255) file VARCHAR(255) notes TEXT serial MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY orig_record MEDIUMINT approved ENUM("no","yes") NOT NULL created_date DATE created_time TIME created_by VARCHAR(100) modified_date DATE modified_time TIME modified_by VARCHAR(100) table creation code ------------------- CREATE TABLE refs (author TEXT, address TEXT, corporate_author VARCHAR(255), first_author VARCHAR(100), author_count TINYINT UNSIGNED, title TEXT, orig_title TEXT, publication VARCHAR(255), abbrev_journal VARCHAR(100), year SMALLINT, date VARCHAR(50), volume VARCHAR(50), volume_numeric SMALLINT UNSIGNED, issue VARCHAR(50), pages VARCHAR(50), first_page MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED, keywords TEXT, abstract TEXT, edition TINYINT UNSIGNED, editor TEXT, publisher VARCHAR(255), place VARCHAR(100), medium VARCHAR(50), series_editor TEXT, series_title TEXT, abbrev_series_title VARCHAR(100), series_volume VARCHAR(50), series_volume_numeric SMALLINT UNSIGNED, series_issue VARCHAR(50), issn VARCHAR(100), isbn VARCHAR(100), language VARCHAR(100), summary_language VARCHAR(100), area VARCHAR(255), type VARCHAR(100), publication_status ENUM("published","in print","submitted","unpublished"), thesis ENUM("Bachelor's thesis","Master's thesis","Ph.D. thesis","Diploma thesis","Doctoral thesis","Habilitation thesis"), expedition VARCHAR(255), doi VARCHAR(100), conference VARCHAR(255), url VARCHAR(255), call_number TEXT, location TEXT, contribution_id VARCHAR(100), online_publication ENUM("no","yes") NOT NULL, online_citation VARCHAR(255), file VARCHAR(255), notes TEXT, serial MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, orig_record MEDIUMINT, approved ENUM("no","yes") NOT NULL, created_date DATE, created_time TIME, created_by VARCHAR(100), modified_date DATE, modified_time TIME, modified_by VARCHAR(100)); rules for data import --------------------- - fields are separated by tabs, records are separated by returns (if not specified otherwise within the LOAD DATA statement) - order of fields must resemble the above field order! - DATE format must be YYYY-MM-DD -> Available via Filemaker Calculation Fields 'Created Date [A_36]' & 'Modified Date [A_37]' - TIME format must be HH:MM:SS -> Available via Filemaker Calculation Fields 'Created Time [A_38]' & 'Modified Time [A_39]' - carriage returns *within* fields (ASCII character 11) must be replaced with a "UNIX return" (ASCII character 10) -> Search for: (\x0B) Replace with: \\n - empty fields are indicated by \N -> Search for: (?<=\t|^)(?=\t|$) Replace with: \\N - character encoding: higher ASCII chars must be encoded as ISO-8859-1 aka 'Western (ISO Latin 1)' - file encoding must be UNIX load data code -------------- LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE "/PATH/TO/FILE/refs.txt" INTO TABLE refs; or, alternatively, use something like the following from your shell: mysqlimport --local -u root -p YOUR_DB_NAME "/PATH/TO/FILE/refs.txt"