This file is part of ActiveLink PHP NET Package (www.active-link.com).
Copyright (c) 2002-2004 by Zurab Davitiani
You can contact the author of this software via E-mail at
ActiveLink PHP NET Package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
ActiveLink PHP NET Package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with ActiveLink PHP NET Package; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* requires Socket class
* HTTPClient class provides HTTP request functionality and ability to retrieve response
* @class HTTPClient
* @package org.active-link.net
* @author Zurab Davitiani
* @version 0.4.0
* @extends Socket
* @requires Socket
* @see Socket
class HTTPClient extends Socket {
// protected properties
var $defaultRequestMethod;
var $defaultRequestURI;
var $defaultRequestVersion;
var $defaultRequestUserAgent;
var $defaultRequestBody;
var $requestMethod;
var $requestURI;
var $requestVersion;
var $requestUserAgent;
var $requestHeaders;
* HTTP client class constructor accepts host (required) and port (optional, default 80) arguments
* @method HTTPClient
* @param string host
* @param optional int port
function HTTPClient($host, $port = 80) {
$this->Socket($host, $port);
$this->defaultRequestMethod = "GET";
$this->defaultRequestURI = "/";
$this->defaultRequestVersion = "HTTP/1.0";
$this->defaultRequestUserAgent = "ActiveLink NET Object/0.3.3";
$this->defaultRequestBody = "";
$this->requestMethod = $this->defaultRequestMethod;
$this->requestURI = $this->defaultRequestURI;
$this->requestVersion = $this->defaultRequestVersion;
$this->requestUserAgent = $this->defaultRequestUserAgent;
$this->requestBody = $this->defaultRequestBody;
$this->requestHeaders = array();
* Adds a supplied raw header to the internal header array
* @method addRequestHeaderRaw
* @param string header
* @returns none
function addRequestHeaderRaw($header) {
$this->requestHeaders[] = $header;
* Gets a string containing all HTTP request headers in their raw form
* @method getRequestHeaders
* @returns string request HTTP headers
function getRequestHeaders() {
$headers = $this->requestMethod . " " . $this->requestURI . " " . $this->requestVersion . "\r\n";
$headers .= "User-Agent: " . $this->requestUserAgent . "\r\n";
$headers .= "Host: " . $this->host . "\r\n";
foreach($this->requestHeaders as $header) {
$headers .= $header . "\r\n";
if($this->requestMethod == "POST") {
$contentLength = strlen($this->requestBody);
$headers .= "Content-length: " . $contentLength . "\r\n";
$headers .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
return $headers;
* Sets HTTP request body/payload, used only when request method is POST
* @method setRequestBody
* @param string body
* @returns none
function setRequestBody($body) {
$this->requestBody = $body;
* Sets HTTP request method, GET or POST
* @method setRequestMethod
* @param string method
* @returns none
function setRequestMethod($method) {
$this->requestMethod = strtoupper($method);
* Sets request URI, if not set here, default will be /
* @method setRequestURI
* @param string uri
* @returns none
function setRequestURI($uri) {
$this->requestURI = $uri;
* Sets HTTP request User-Agent to send to the server, default is "ActiveLink NET Object/version"
* @method setRequestUserAgent
* @param string userAgent
* @returns none
function setRequestUserAgent($userAgent) {
$this->setRequestUserAgent = $userAgent;
* Sets HTTP protocol version to be used, default is "HTTP/1.0"
* @method setRequestVersion
* @param string version
* @returns none
function setRequestVersion($version) {
$this->requestVersion = $version;
* After all settings are complete, send the request to the server
* @method sendRequest
* @returns string server response if successful, false otherwise
function sendRequest() {
$response = false;
$request = $this->getRequestHeaders();
$request .= $this->requestBody;
$success = $this->connect();
if($success) {
$response = $this->sendReceive($request);
return $response;