You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

107 lines
4.8 KiB

// Project: Web Reference Database (refbase) <>
// Copyright: Matthias Steffens <> and the file's
// original author(s).
// This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Please see the GNU General Public
// License for more details.
// File: ./includes/
// Repository: $HeadURL: file:///svn/p/refbase/code/branches/bleeding-edge/includes/ $
// Author(s): Matthias Steffens <>
// Created: 11-Jun-06, 01:13
// Modified: $Date: 2008-10-30 17:19:48 +0000 (Thu, 30 Oct 2008) $
// $Author: msteffens $
// $Revision: 1288 $
// Search & replace patterns for conversion from refbase markup to PDF markup & entities. Note that there's currently no conversion of emdashes
// or markup for greek letters and super-/subscript (since I don't know how to print chars by code number or how to print Unicode chars directly).
// Search & replace patterns must be specified as perl-style regular expression and search patterns must include the leading & trailing slashes.
$transtab_refbase_pdf = array(
"/__(?!_)(.+?)__/" => "<u>\\1</u>", // the pattern for underline (__...__) must come before the one for italic (_..._)
"/_(.+?)_/" => "<i>\\1</i>", // html-style fontshape markup is recognized and converted by the pdf-php package
"/\\*\\*(.+?)\\*\\*/" => "<b>\\1</b>",
"/\\[super:(.+?)\\]/ie" => "superScriptToLatin1('\\1')", // function 'superScriptToLatin1()' will convert superscript letters '1', '2' and '3' to appropriate latin1 entities
"/\\[sub:(.+?)\\]/i" => "\\1", // we remove markup which we cannot successfully convert to latin1 entities and replace it with an ASCII representation
"/\\[permil\\]/" => "per mille",
"/\\[infinity\\]/" => "infinity",
"/\\[alpha\\]/" => "alpha",
"/\\[beta\\]/" => "beta",
"/\\[gamma\\]/" => "gamma",
"/\\[delta\\]/" => "delta",
"/\\[epsilon\\]/" => "epsilon",
"/\\[zeta\\]/" => "zeta",
"/\\[eta\\]/" => "eta",
"/\\[theta\\]/" => "theta",
"/\\[iota\\]/" => "iota",
"/\\[kappa\\]/" => "kappa",
"/\\[lambda\\]/" => "lambda",
"/\\[mu\\]/" => "mu",
"/\\[nu\\]/" => "nu",
"/\\[xi\\]/" => "xi",
"/\\[omicron\\]/" => "omicron",
"/\\[pi\\]/" => "pi",
"/\\[rho\\]/" => "rho",
"/\\[sigmaf\\]/" => "sigmaf",
"/\\[sigma\\]/" => "sigma",
"/\\[tau\\]/" => "tau",
"/\\[upsilon\\]/" => "upsilon",
"/\\[phi\\]/" => "phi",
"/\\[chi\\]/" => "chi",
"/\\[psi\\]/" => "psi",
"/\\[omega\\]/" => "omega",
"/\\[Alpha\\]/" => "Alpha",
"/\\[Beta\\]/" => "Beta",
"/\\[Gamma\\]/" => "Gamma",
"/\\[Delta\\]/" => "Delta",
"/\\[Epsilon\\]/" => "Epsilon",
"/\\[Zeta\\]/" => "Zeta",
"/\\[Eta\\]/" => "Eta",
"/\\[Theta\\]/" => "Theta",
"/\\[Iota\\]/" => "Iota",
"/\\[Kappa\\]/" => "Kappa",
"/\\[Lambda\\]/" => "Lambda",
"/\\[Mu\\]/" => "Mu",
"/\\[Nu\\]/" => "Nu",
"/\\[Xi\\]/" => "Xi",
"/\\[Omicron\\]/" => "Omicron",
"/\\[Pi\\]/" => "Pi",
"/\\[Rho\\]/" => "Rho",
"/\\[Sigma\\]/" => "Sigma",
"/\\[Tau\\]/" => "Tau",
"/\\[Upsilon\\]/" => "Upsilon",
"/\\[Phi\\]/" => "Phi",
"/\\[Chi\\]/" => "Chi",
"/\\[Psi\\]/" => "Psi",
"/\\[Omega\\]/" => "Omega",
// "/\"(.+?)\"/" => "/quotedblleft\\1/quotedblright",
// "/ +- +/" => " – " // endash (w.r.t. the "–" character, see e.g. note in file '')
$latin1SuperScriptSearchReplaceActionsArray = array(
"/1/" => '¹', // <U00B9> (superscript one)
"/2/" => '²', // <U00B2> (superscript two)
"/3/" => '³' // <U00B3> (superscript three)
// "/([^¹²³]+)/" => '[super:\\1]' // keep superscript markup in place for any text that has no matching superscript entity in Unicode
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Converts superscript text to appropriate Unicode entities:
function superScriptToLatin1($sourceString)
global $latin1SuperScriptSearchReplaceActionsArray;
$sourceString = searchReplaceText($latin1SuperScriptSearchReplaceActionsArray, $sourceString, true); // function 'searchReplaceText()' is defined in ''
return $sourceString;