You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

104 lines
2.7 KiB

from pysat.formula import CNF
from pysat.solvers import Glucose4
import pathlib as pl
import random
import bz2
import sys
import argparse
def main():
args = parse_args()
instances = get_instance_paths(pl.Path(args.instance_dir))
global CORE_DIR
CORE_DIR = pl.Path(args.cores_dir)
EXTENDED_DIR = pl.Path(args.extensions_dir)
for instance in instances:
run(instance, args.nr_per_instance)
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument( "-i"
,help="directory containing the instances")
parser.add_argument( "-c"
,help="directory containing the cores")
parser.add_argument( "-e"
,help="directory containing the core extensions")
parser.add_argument( "-n"
,help="number of extensions per instance")
return parser.parse_args()
def get_instance_paths(instances_dir):
instances = []
for p in instances_dir.iterdir():
if str(p).endswith(".cnf.bz2"):
return instances
def run(instance, calls_per_instance):
ipath = pl.Path(instance)
iname = ipath.stem[:-4]
f = CNF(str(ipath))
for i in range(calls_per_instance):
cores = parse_cores(iname)
print(len(f.clauses), len(cores))
print("{0:.3g}".format(len(cores) * 100 / len(f.clauses)))
def parse_cores(instance):
cores = []
with / (instance + ".cores.bz2"), "tr") as cores_file:
cores = list(map(lambda l: l.strip(), cores_file.readlines()))
cores = list(map(lambda l: l.split(","), cores))
for i in range(len(cores)):
cores[i] = list(map(int, cores[i]))
cores[i] = list(map(lambda lit: -1 * lit, cores[i]))
return cores
def next_file_path(name):
counter = 0
ext_file_path = EXTENDED_DIR / ("{}_{:04}.cnf.bz2".format(name, counter))
while ext_file_path.exists():
counter += 1
ext_file_path = EXTENDED_DIR / ("{}_{:04}.cnf.bz2".format(name, counter))
return ext_file_path, counter
if __name__ == "__main__":